The American Political Tradition The American Political Tradition
The Rise of American Democracy: Jefferson to Lincoln expertly balances the roots of a political revolution: the impact of a few key leaders and the lives and aspirations of ordinar...
Oct 12, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Eric Foner
With Friends Like This… With Friends Like This…
An endorsement from James Dobson is scary enough, but the vituperative attack on Harriet Miers by the right raises other questions about why some conservatives are agitated about h...
Oct 11, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
Ten Questions for Harriet Miers Ten Questions for Harriet Miers
Corporate power and money control our lives and our politics as never before. As the Senate Judiciary Committee prepares for Harriet Miers's nomination hearings, here are ten lega...
Oct 11, 2005 / Morton Mintz
A *Real* Contract With America A *Real* Contract With America
The Gulf Coast hurricanes could dislodge decades-long conservative domination of US politics, but only if Democrats offer an alternative vision of government and society to voters.
Oct 6, 2005 / Feature / Robert L. Borosage
The First Time Was Tragedy… The First Time Was Tragedy…
As the Bush Administration's incompetence turns Iraq into a terrorist training camp, Americans should look to FDR, who waged war for unavoidable threats, not ideology, while still ...
Oct 6, 2005 / Books & the Arts / Eric Alterman
The Little Black Book of Virtues The Little Black Book of Virtues
The Wicked Witch stomps in his defense and the wise old tortoise explains his reasoning. But Mother Courage knows the truth behind William Bennett's racist comments.
Oct 6, 2005 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
I Think I Heard a Liberal Say I Think I Heard a Liberal Say
For working in the shadows of K Street pay-to-play, here's to The Hammer getting the slammer.
Oct 6, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Time to Fix the System Time to Fix the System
Tom DeLay's indictments open the door for Congress to overhaul current lobbying laws and fix the broken system of campaign finance, redistricting and electoral laws that foster mis...
Oct 6, 2005 / The Editors
Crony Constitutionalism Crony Constitutionalism
Democrats have a chance to stand up for competence, civil liberties and the integrity of the Supreme Court by challenging Harriet Miers's lack of credentials and blocking Bush from...
Oct 6, 2005 / The Editors
Pop Goes the Real Estate Bubble Pop Goes the Real Estate Bubble
Stocks crash and housing prices tend to go down with a whisper. But a disturbing number of signs now point to a sudden burst of the real estate bubble.
Oct 5, 2005 / Feature / Nicholas von Hoffman