Roberts, Without Illusions Roberts, Without Illusions
As confirmation hearings open, we already know a great deal about John G. Roberts Jr. He's ethically challenged, ideologically rigid and unfit for the Supreme Court.
Sep 1, 2005 / The Editors
Iraq’s Fig-Leaf Constitution Iraq’s Fig-Leaf Constitution
Bush may crow about a new constitution, but he can't deny that autocrats, theocrats and terrorists are clearly in control.
Aug 30, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
The Power of Fusion Politics The Power of Fusion Politics
Two political lines could be better than one: Consider the successful tactics of the Working Families Party.
Aug 25, 2005 / Feature / Alyssa Katz
A Presidential Explanation of Patriotic Loafing A Presidential Explanation of Patriotic Loafing
The true and patriotic purpose of presidential loafing revealed.
Aug 25, 2005 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Timid Democrats, Muscular Unions Timid Democrats, Muscular Unions
A dozen Democrats are feeling timid about opposing Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr., while a score of unions and grassroots organizations are showing muscle against CAFTA.
Aug 25, 2005 / David Sirota
The Red State Times, Continued The Red State Times, Continued
The so-called liberal New York Times bashed Bill Clinton every chance it got, and whitewashes Ed Meese. Go figure.
Aug 25, 2005 / Column / Eric Alterman
Hip-Hop Voting Bloc? Hip-Hop Voting Bloc?
If everything goes according to plan, a voting bloc as influential as the religious right, but progressive, could be established.
Aug 22, 2005 / Feature / Adam Howard
Preaching Justice, Slaying Demons Preaching Justice, Slaying Demons
As the Christian right gathered in Nashville for Justice Sunday II, they demonized their enemies and offered lukewarm praise for John G. Roberts.
Aug 19, 2005 / Feature / Max Blumenthal
Bush’s Blind Spot on Iran Bush’s Blind Spot on Iran
Threatening Iran only strengthens the hand of hard-line nationalists and religious fundamentalists in Tehran.
Aug 18, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer
Disengagement Mystery Disengagement Mystery
What are Sharon's real reasons for pulling out of Gaza? What happens next? Hillel Schenker reports from Jerusalem.
Aug 16, 2005 / Feature / Hillel Schenker