
Rosenbaum Inquisition Rosenbaum Inquisition

In 2002, Republicans on a House Judiciary subcommittee trained their sights on an unlikely target: conservative Judge James Rosenbaum, Chief Judge of the US District Court for th...

Dec 11, 2003 / David Rubenstein

What Tom DeLay Might Have Had in Mind When He Hatched the Cockamamie and Short-Lived Scheme to Use a Cruise Ship During the Republican Convention What Tom DeLay Might Have Had in Mind When He Hatched the Cockamamie and Short-Lived Scheme to Use a Cruise Ship During the Republican Convention

"A cruise ship in the harbor," thought DeLay, "Could be a place where decent folks would stay, Avoiding all that mob that we detest--

Dec 11, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Gore’s a Dean Man Now Gore’s a Dean Man Now

Al Gore endorsed Howard Dean for President for the same reason that so many other Democrats have: He wanted to be where the action is in his party.

Dec 10, 2003 / John Nichols

GOP Must Get Off the Dime GOP Must Get Off the Dime

Nancy Reagan is right-on for blasting proposal to replace FDR with her Ronnie.

Dec 10, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

Gonzalez for Mayor Gonzalez for Mayor

Matt Gonzalez, San Francisco's Green candidate for mayor, is trying to put an end to the forty-year grip the Democrats have held over the city's electoral politics and become the...

Dec 5, 2003 / Feature / Kevin McCarthy

Letter From South Carolina Letter From South Carolina

Shortly after Strom Thurmond died, the flags at the South Carolina Statehouse in Columbia were lowered to half-staff. Every flag except one, that is.

Dec 4, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Paul Wachter

American Apocalypse American Apocalypse

How "superpower syndrome" is ravaging the world.

Dec 4, 2003 / Books & the Arts / Robert Jay Lifton

Death and Discourse Death and Discourse

"They got whacked and won't try that again," said an unnamed Pentagon official in the wake of the recent deadly confrontation in the Iraqi town of Samarra.

Dec 4, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

One Way George Bush’s Surprise Visit to Baghdad (Sort of) May Have Come About One Way George Bush’s Surprise Visit to Baghdad (Sort of) May Have Come About

Supreme Commander Rove, despite his power, Watched, helpless, as his finest stunt went sour. Off San Diego, he'd arranged, with glee A perfect picture, Victory at Sea--

Dec 4, 2003 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Bush’s Religious Language Bush’s Religious Language

George W. Bush began to take part in a Bible study group in 1985, after two decades of binge drinking. For two years he studied the Scriptures and put his heavy drinking behind h...

Dec 4, 2003 / Juan Stam
