
Bush’s Environmental Record Bush’s Environmental Record

3/13/01 Abandons pledge to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. 3/28/01 Rejects Kyoto Protocol.

Jan 16, 2003 / Feature / The Nation

Christian Soldiers on the March Christian Soldiers on the March

Bush's handpicked delegates disrupt global conferences on women's rights.

Jan 16, 2003 / Feature / Jennifer Block

Crunch Time at the FCC Crunch Time at the FCC

One of the most important votes of 2003 will be cast not in Congress or in voting booths across the country but at the Federal Communications Commission.

Jan 16, 2003 / Michael J. Copps

The Enemy Within The Enemy Within

"Ask for a lawyer immediately upon your arrest," reads the little informational card the ACLU hands out to citizens.

Jan 16, 2003 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Bush’s Terrible Twos Bush’s Terrible Twos

Who knew it would come to this?

Jan 16, 2003 / Feature / David Corn

Israel’s Dangerous Crossroads Israel’s Dangerous Crossroads

A continuation of the current situation will undermine Israeli democracy.

Jan 16, 2003 / Feature / Hillel Schenker

No More Pigs at the Trough No More Pigs at the Trough

How to cure infectious greed.

Jan 16, 2003 / Feature / Arianna Huffington

Bush Doesn’t Want Good News Bush Doesn’t Want Good News

Headlines tell us that United Nations arms inspectors have failed to find a "smoking gun" in their ongoing, unimpeded search for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

Jan 14, 2003 / Column / Robert Scheer

The Bush Tax Sham The Bush Tax Sham

On January 7 George W.

Jan 9, 2003 / Roger Hickey

Dixiecrats and the GOP Dixiecrats and the GOP

Why should anyone have been surprised that the senator who led the Republican Party of 2002 paid homage to the States Rights Party of 1948? Those Dixiecrats fatally extolled by...

Jan 9, 2003 / Diane McWhorter
