
Curtain Call for the Puppet Show Curtain Call for the Puppet Show

On August 1, 2000, Philadelphia police rounded up seventy-five activists inside a West Philadelphia warehouse. It was the second day of the Republican National Convention, and th...

Sep 17, 2002 / Feature / Gwen Shaffer

Congress and War Congress and War

In January, when George W. Bush's pollster warned that "Enron is a much bigger story than anyone in Washington realizes," White House political director Karl Rove informed the ...

Sep 12, 2002 / John Nichols

In Fact… In Fact…

POTENTATE'S PERKS It's been known that Jack Welch is worth $900 million and that he draws a $9 million annual pension from General Electric. But it turns out that GE als...

Sep 12, 2002 / The Editors

Another Florida Fiasco Another Florida Fiasco

The biggest story of the biggest primary election night of 2002 echoed the biggest story of the 2000 election: Florida Governor Jeb Bush, Florida Secretary of State Katherine H...

Sep 12, 2002 / John Nichols

Building a Coalition, W.-Style Building a Coalition, W.-Style

We'll talk to Germany and France, Brief Russians and Chinese, Consult with Turkey and Japan, Then do just as we please.

Sep 12, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin

The Right’s Moral Trouble The Right’s Moral Trouble

Thanks to corporate scandals, conservatives are finally on the defensive.

Sep 12, 2002 / Feature / Fred Block

Is There ‘A Different Israel’? Is There ‘A Different Israel’?

Durham, NC In "A Different Israel" [August 5/12] Martha C. Nussbaum wrote that she became relaxed in her "moralistic heart" while accepting an honorary degree from...

Sep 12, 2002 / Our Readers

Letters Letters

A LAUGH, A CRY... Pittsboro, NC To Tony Kushner: Thank you so much for your words, for the heart and soul behind them, for your humor and for bringing tears...

Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers

Letters Letters

LE PEN IN FRANCE... San Francisco Far-right populist Jean-Marie Le Pen's upset in the first round of French presidential voting was variously ascribed to r...

Sep 11, 2002 / Our Readers

The Terrorism Trap The Terrorism Trap

The war on terrorism was a linchpin of Bill Clinton's foreign policy rhetoric during his re-election campaign, and at his first post-election press conference the President has...

Sep 11, 2002 / Feature / Richard J. Barnett
