Lying in State Lying in State
How cool is Jennifer Harbury? She is currently arguing her own case before the Supreme Court, demanding the right to sue the government because, she maintains, its leaders delibe...
Apr 4, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman
Questions for Mr. Bush Questions for Mr. Bush
The Bush Administration has vigorously and effectively responded to the terrorist attack of September 11. The country seems united behind that effort. Certainly there was no hint ...
Apr 4, 2002 / George McGovern
That Old Orientalism… That Old Orientalism…
That Old Orientalism... New York City The only true characterization of Kanan Makiya in Turi Munthe's review of The Rock: A Tale of Seventh-Century Jerusalem ["Muslim ...
Apr 4, 2002 / Turi Munthe and Joseph Massad
White–It Gets Worse White–It Gets Worse
Six weeks ago, The Nation called for Army Secretary Tom White's resignation. White, former vice chairman of an Enron Ponzi scheme called Enron Energy Services (EES) was self-evide...
Apr 4, 2002 / Robert L. Borosage
Bush Fiddled While Mideast Burned Bush Fiddled While Mideast Burned
There is enough blame to go around for the events that have turned the Camp David promise of peace into the killing fields of the Mideast without dragging in President Bush.
Apr 2, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Housing: An LA Story Housing: An LA Story
Two years after a tragic accident, activists are celebrating a major victory.
Mar 28, 2002 / Feature / Peter Dreier and Kelly Candaele
In Fact… In Fact…
AWARDS TIME The Nation is a finalist in the single-topic-issue category of the National Magazine Awards for "Death Trip: The American Way of Execution" (Jan. 8/15, 2001). This fe...
Mar 28, 2002 / The Editors
The China Syndrome The China Syndrome
Like it or not, America has been able to achieve and maintain its supremacy as a global power because of its capacity to absorb the best from the rest of the world. This dependenc...
Mar 28, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Peter Kwong and Dusanka Miscevic
Nixon Library Woes Nixon Library Woes
The daughters, Trish and Julie, now aren't speaking. Without more dough, the roof will soon be leaking. It really isn't clear just who's in charge. Most tapes and papers still...
Mar 28, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Letters Letters
KUCINICH SHINES FOR ALL Eugene, Ore. As John Nichols's "Kucinich Rocks the Boat" [March 25] indicates, Representative Dennis Kucinich has become a shooting s...
Mar 28, 2002 / Alexander Cockburn and Our Readers