Upsetting Upset for the GOP Upsetting Upset for the GOP
Los Angeles Tuesday, March 5, midnight
Mar 6, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper
‘New Mideast Approach’: Flawed? ‘New Mideast Approach’: Flawed?
'New Mideast Approach': Flawed? Elkhorn, Neb. There are many grave problems with Jerome M. Segal's "A New Middle East Approach" [Jan. 28]. I will discuss two....
Feb 28, 2002 / Our Readers
Tulsa’s Shame Tulsa’s Shame
Race riot victims still wait for promised reparations.
Feb 28, 2002 / Feature / Adrian Brune
Mayor Jerry Brown, Take II Mayor Jerry Brown, Take II
He's created new projects, made new friends--and some bitter enemies.
Feb 28, 2002 / Feature / Marc Cooper
Two Cheers for Our Side Two Cheers for Our Side
One of the pitfalls of publishing a weekly journal of critical opinion at a moment when the political culture has drifted to the right is that there is so much of which to be cri...
Feb 28, 2002 / The Editors
Vouchers–Phony Choice Vouchers–Phony Choice
Ever since the 1954 Brown decision outlawing "separate but equal" schools, various popular movements have upheld a vision of public schools as essential to democracy and have dem...
Feb 28, 2002 / Barbara Miner
Justice, Not So Swift Justice, Not So Swift
On October 31 Governor Jane Swift of Massachusetts pardoned five women who had been convicted and executed in the Salem witch trials in 1692. Well, better late than never--what's...
Feb 28, 2002 / Column / Katha Pollitt
The Anthrax Fumble The Anthrax Fumble
Bureaucratic timidity and turf battles needlessly put many Americans at risk.
Feb 28, 2002 / Feature / Dr. Marc Siegel
A Prayer for America A Prayer for America
I offer these brief remarks today as a prayer for our country, with love of democracy, as a celebration of our country. With love for our country. With hope for our country.
Feb 26, 2002 / Books & the Arts / Dennis Kucinich