Nation Notes Nation Notes
Arundhati Roy, author of The God of Small Things, whose essay deploring India's decision to test atomic weapons appeared in The Nation ("The End of Imagination," September 28, 19...
Oct 4, 2001 / The Editors
Hitting Terrorism’s Roots Hitting Terrorism’s Roots
While the Bush Administration continues to build an international coalition it hopes will allow it to strike back effectively at those responsible for the September 11 attacks, ...
Oct 4, 2001 / The Editors
Signs of the Times Signs of the Times
Protests against symbols of capitalism find themselves in a transformed landscape.
Oct 4, 2001 / Feature / Naomi Klein
Policy Profiteers Policy Profiteers
Battling the war profiteers of World War I, Robert La Follette reminded America that "wealth has never yet sacrificed itself on the altar of patriotism." The progressive senato...
Oct 4, 2001 / John Nichols
Letters Letters
WE SHINE FOR ALL Chicago Your magazine remains a beacon of hope for all of us, even those who revile you for your progressive values--because we all lose...
Oct 4, 2001 / Our Readers
Season’s Greetings Season’s Greetings
Telluride, Toronto and After For folks involved in film, seasonal clocks can be set by the annual confluence of international film festivals (Telluride, Toronto, New York, Edinb...
Oct 4, 2001 / Books & the Arts / B. Ruby Rich
Intelligence Test Intelligence Test
Another Pearl Harbor! That was the reaction of many after hijackers managed to turn airliners into low-tech cruise missiles and kill 6,000 people.
Oct 3, 2001 / Feature / David Corn
Coming Together in Union Square Coming Together in Union Square
With downtown Manhattan below 14th Street initially closed off to the public after the terrorist attacks of September 11, people began to gather spontaneously in Union Square Park...
Sep 30, 2001 / Feature / Adina Schecter and Sarah Yahm
And Now for a Note of Good Cheer And Now for a Note of Good Cheer
I've been surprised, here in Petrolia, listening to some people say they're afraid. Afraid of what? I ask. Remember, even in the days when the imminent possibility of nuclear hol...
Sep 27, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Is the FBI Up to the Job? Is the FBI Up to the Job?
In May 2000, Louis Mizell Jr., a terrorism and security expert in Washington, received a call from Jake White, an acquaintance who was a bouncer at a strip club in Omaha. White to...
Sep 27, 2001 / David Corn