Why the Right Loves Bush Why the Right Loves Bush
It was the start of another Conservative Political Action Conference--the annual gathering of several thousand activists--and Republican Party chairman Marc Racicot, in unexcitin...
Feb 7, 2002 / David Corn
Axis Me No Questions… Axis Me No Questions…
George W. Bush's State of the Union address has laid bare his Administration's political strategy. It is to manipulate the grief, anger and patriotism inspired by September 11 to...
Feb 7, 2002 / Column / Eric Alterman
Enron Values Enron Values
There are no blue dresses to analyze in this one, or interns in berets to quiz. But make no mistake. The Enron scandal is the real thing--a window on the nexus of money and polit...
Feb 7, 2002 / The Editors
A Summary of the Response of Democratic Loyalists to the Prospects of Another Presidential Race by Albert Gore A Summary of the Response of Democratic Loyalists to the Prospects of Another Presidential Race by Albert Gore
Recalling what took place before, We must implore Al Gore: No more.
Feb 7, 2002 / Column / Calvin Trillin
Enron? Nader Is Glad You Asked Enron? Nader Is Glad You Asked
Back in the spotlight, he condemns the trading of political favors for cash.
Feb 7, 2002 / Feature / John Nichols
An Orgy of Defense Spending An Orgy of Defense Spending
Now we get to see just how cowardly the Democrats in Congress can be.
Feb 5, 2002 / Column / Robert Scheer
Letters Letters
ABOUT THAT AD... In light of Norman Finkelstein's effort to peddle his vituperative book by taking out advertisements in The Nation [see page 17] calling me a liar, I ha...
Jan 31, 2002 / Burt Neuborne