
Bush–Rush to Judgment Bush–Rush to Judgment

"The death penalty's very serious business, Leo," Governor Bush condescendingly told a questioner in the third presidential debate. "There've been some tough cases come across my...

Oct 26, 2000 / Doug Magee

A Texas ‘Advocate for Justice’ A Texas ‘Advocate for Justice’

The judge who chided Bush over aid to children is part of a state tradition.

Oct 26, 2000 / Feature / Lou Dubose

In Our Orbit In Our Orbit

NO MIRTH IN THE BALANCE "Al Gore distills in his single person the disrepair of liberalism in America today, and almost every unalluring feature of the Democratic Party. He did ...

Oct 26, 2000 / Books & the Arts / The Editors

Taking the Initiatives Taking the Initiatives

In Michigan, it's a battle over school vouchers. In Alaska the fight is over medical marijuana. Nebraskans are being asked to outlaw civil unions. In Colorado, Amendment 25 would...

Oct 26, 2000 / The Editors

In Fact… In Fact…

LIES AND DAMN LIES What's a political campaign without politicians calling each other liars? This one's been marked, however, at the presidential level, by strategic civility, a ...

Oct 26, 2000 / The Editors

No MO Democrats? No MO Democrats?

The plane crash that took the life of Missouri Governor Mel Carnahan on October 16 appears to have been a disaster for the Democrats, not only in the Show Me state but nationally...

Oct 26, 2000 / Feature / Doug Ireland

‘Supreme Coort Follows th’ Iliction’ ‘Supreme Coort Follows th’ Iliction’

'Supreme Coort Follows th' Iliction' Missoula, Mont. Thank you for your Supreme Court issue, "Up for Grabs: The Supreme Court and the Election" [Oct. 9], wh...

Oct 26, 2000 / Ralph Nader and Our Readers

Whose Side’s Jesus On? Whose Side’s Jesus On?

Gore says he prays when crises loom. He asks just what would Jesus do. And then he does that very thing (If focus groups would do it too). So whose side's Jesus on, fol...

Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Save the Mall Save the Mall

On Veterans Day, November 11, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbitt will appear on the Mall at a spot between the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial to break ground for the ...

Oct 26, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener

Middling Against the Ends Middling Against the Ends

This presidential race leaves an odd sensation among those of us not having a television. Like the much-cited Kennedy-Nixon race, in which the camera was generally thought to ha...

Oct 26, 2000 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
