
David Lynch center, Noami Watts left, Laura Harring right.

Twin Peaks Twin Peaks

Lifestyle sections have lately been detailing the public's renewed appetite for comfort food. If that rice-pudding desire translates to the big screen, then cinematic fairy tales t...

Oct 25, 2001 / Books & the Arts / B. Ruby Rich

Day-O, an Afghan Calypso Day-O, an Afghan Calypso

(With apologies to Harry Belafonte, among others) Bombed all night by dat Yankee bunch Daylight come and de bombers go home Now dey'll drop some cashew crunch Daylight ...

Oct 25, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Homeland Insecurity Homeland Insecurity

It is hard to write a column like this under the present circumstances. It is hard to comment on what is happening in the world if the military regulates everything. And yet it i...

Oct 25, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Never Shut Up, New York Never Shut Up, New York

Al Giordano is currently a free-speech defendant in the New York State Supreme Court [see Mark Schapiro, "Drug War on Trial," September 17, 2001].

Oct 25, 2001 / Feature / Al Giordano

Profits of Fear Profits of Fear

Every closet in my medical office is suddenly filled with samples of Ciprofloxacin, an ordinary antibiotic intended primarily for use with bladder infections. This week, every pat...

Oct 18, 2001 / Dr. Marc Siegel

Letters Letters

TERRORI$T CA$H--$TAY$ CLEAN St. Clairsville, Ohio Lucy Komisar's June 18 "After Dirty Air, Dirty Money," on money-laundering [posted on the Nation web...

Oct 18, 2001 / Roane Carey and Our Readers

On V.S. Naipaul’s Nobel Prize On V.S. Naipaul’s Nobel Prize

So V.S. Naipaul finally gets the prize. It's said he's willing, through unblinking eyes, To make his observations, then recall The bleakest Third World countries, warts and al...

Oct 18, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Anthrax Anxiety Anthrax Anxiety

Jitters are not among the clinical symptoms of anthrax.

Oct 18, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro

A Simple Twist of Fate A Simple Twist of Fate

Serendipity is rotten cotton candy. No, more like actual cotton dipped in rich, drippy chocolate--the confection hawked by Catch-22's greedhead Milo Minderbinder. About a quarter ...

Oct 18, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Tim Appelo

False Positive False Positive

As a child, while waiting for my weekly piano lesson to start, I used to read with pleasure Erma Bombeck's column as it appeared in the Worcester Telegram and Gazette. What prehom...

Oct 18, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Caleb Crain
