
Bush’s Tax Savings: Unreal! Bush’s Tax Savings: Unreal!

A Nation analysis finds that benefits to Bush, Cheney and the Cabinet could top million.

Jun 7, 2001 / Feature / Michael Scherer

Not This Time in LA Not This Time in LA

Politics, they say, is the art of the possible. And for much of the spring it seemed possible that America's second-largest city would elect as its mayor a progressive Latino who ...

Jun 7, 2001 / John Nichols

Japan: An Interpretation Japan: An Interpretation

Those inscrutable Japanese. They've inspired more trash between hard covers over the past century than anyone--far more than the Chinese, if that's what you're thinking. Mysteriou...

Jun 7, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Patrick Smith

The Republicans and John McCain The Republicans and John McCain

They thought that Jeffords was their bane, But now they see that John McCain, Who shrugs off efforts to restrain His longtime love of speaking plain, And likes to jerk George...

Jun 7, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Universe of Faith and Terror Universe of Faith and Terror

Let's begin with a Denis Johnson moment. One Saturday, in Los Angeles, I venture out to buy a newspaper; when I get home, I discover, wedged between its C and D sections, a grainy...

Jun 7, 2001 / Books & the Arts / David L. Ulin

Letters Letters

...AND APPLE PIE Ravello, Italy Katha Pollitt's heart-wrenching "Happy Mother's Day" was, of course, a treat ["Subject to Debate," May 28]. But the crystalli...

Jun 7, 2001 / Alexander Cockburn, Gore Vidal, Ken Silverstein, Susan Sontag, Gila Svirsky, Tarek Milleron, Matthew Runci, Holly Burkhalter, and Nathaniel A. Raymond

White House Tax Windfall White House Tax Windfall

How much does the White House stand to save from Bush's tax cut?

Jun 7, 2001 / Feature / The Nation

Harvard’s ‘Fitting Choice’ Harvard’s ‘Fitting Choice’

On July 1 Larry Summers--the Wunderkind economist who ran the Treasury Department under President Clinton--takes over as president of Harvard University.

Jun 5, 2001 / Matt Bivens

Red Star Over Romania Red Star Over Romania

When, at 13, my rebellious move toward the left coincided with the emerging cold war, a teasing Bronx cousin took to calling me "Ana Pauker." Some boys in my school in the heart o...

May 31, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Susan Brownmiller

Godard and Company Godard and Company

It was the first Cannes Film Festival of the new century, but it felt more like an end than a beginning, as the past returned, in film after film, with weight and insistency. This...

May 31, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Leslie Camhi
