Letters Letters
THE CHAD MAN COMETH... Providence, R.I. For nearly four decades, the fine New York Yankee outfielder, Roger Maris, suffered the ignominy of the asterisk after his...
Jan 12, 2001 / Our Readers
The Right Stuff The Right Stuff
It was one of those odd little paragraphs that leap out at you, so filled with unexpected images it was. "What would Al Sharpton do if Bush calls him?" inquired Peter Noel in a r...
Jan 11, 2001 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Different Players, Same Game Different Players, Same Game
But hold! Isn't it the demand of enlightened people that all within these borders have a right to work without being hassled by the INS or kindred state agency? You can argue whe...
Jan 11, 2001 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
In the Field of Chads In the Field of Chads
Why the hell isn't Al Gore--instead of me--doing this? It's 11:30 in the morning, the third day of the new year, and that's what I am thinking as I sit in a bland confe...
Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / David Corn
Bush’s Black Faces Bush’s Black Faces
Many of George Bush's supporters say that his recent nominations of Colin Powell as Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice as National Security Adviser and Rod Paige as Secretary o...
Jan 11, 2001 / Michael Eric Dyson
Beyond Chavez Beyond Chavez
Linda Chavez's withdrawal as George W. Bush's nominee for Labor Secretary after mounting evidence that she violated the law by employing an illegal immigrant and then tried to hi...
Jan 11, 2001 / The Editors
The Clinton Era by the Numbers The Clinton Era by the Numbers
Far more federal investigators. Many more prosecutions of illegal immigrants. The continuing dominant role of the war on drugs. A decreasing emphasis on white-collar crime. More ...
Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / David Burnham and Susan Long
Getting the Money Out Getting the Money Out
The emerging fight over the McCain-Feingold campaign finance bill, which Senator John McCain has promised to bring up right after George W. Bush's installation as President, has ...
Jan 11, 2001 / The Editors
Treasury Nominee Paul O’Neill: Just in Time for Trouble Treasury Nominee Paul O’Neill: Just in Time for Trouble
Something doesn't add up about the new Treasury Secretary nominated by George W. Bush. The supply-side conservatives who live for more big tax cuts on capital and upper-bracket i...
Jan 11, 2001 / Feature / William Greider
Star Wars Boosters Star Wars Boosters
As soon as George W. Bush and Dick Cheney take up the reins of government, they'll give a big boost to waging war in and from space.
Jan 11, 2001 / Karl Grossman and Judith Long