
On Butterfly Wings On Butterfly Wings

This is going to be yet one more article on the never-ending recount-a-rama in Florida. But first a flashback to a pre-Election Day campaign moment: It's October. George W.

Apr 5, 2001 / Feature / David Corn

Here Come the Judges Here Come the Judges

All signs point to an all-out drive by the Bush Administration to slot judicial conservatives into the eighty-nine current vacancies on the federal bench. The recent to-do about e...

Mar 30, 2001 / The Editors

Leading Los Angeles Leading Los Angeles

Survey the political terrain of this, America's second-largest city, on the eve of the April 10 mayoral vote, and the only possible conclusion is: What a Difference a Decade Makes...

Mar 30, 2001 / Marc Cooper

A Time To Be Bold A Time To Be Bold

In recent months, as a newly elected senator, I have had to decide whether to join the Democratic Leadership Council. I have chosen not to because while I shared its founding purp...

Mar 30, 2001 / Gov. Jon Corzine

GM Food–Another View GM Food–Another View

Genetically modified food has been the object of extensive criticism by many, including in the pages of this magazine. Here is a different perspective. --The Editors The ...

Mar 30, 2001 / Danny Kohl

The Beat The Beat

MILLION-DOLLAR BASH Organizers of the April 20-22 Summit of the Americas in Quebec City were following standard protocol for meetings of trade-pact negotiators when they invited mu...

Mar 30, 2001 / Column / John Nichols

He Has a Dream He Has a Dream

The grand ambition of the Rev. Al Sharpton.

Mar 30, 2001 / Feature / Scott Sherman

On the Bush Administration Rescinding Stricter Limits on Arsenic in Drinking Water On the Bush Administration Rescinding Stricter Limits on Arsenic in Drinking Water

Yes, arsenic's in what we drink. That's not as scary as you think. Sure, hidden in the stroganoff It's used for knocking people off. But in your water it's OK. That's what t...

Mar 30, 2001 / Column / Calvin Trillin

Letters Letters

KEEP THE SUN IN THE SUNSHINE STATE LaFayette, N.Y. In "The Florida Fog" [March 19], David Corn asks, "Will the fog ever lift?" and concludes that a conc...

Mar 30, 2001 / Our Readers

Senate Shocker! Senate Shocker!

US Senator Russ Feingold, the Wisconsin Democratic side of the McCain-Feingold juggernaut that is on the verge of winning Senate approval of the most significant campaign finance ...

Mar 28, 2001 / Feature / John Nichols
