Happy New Year Happy New Year
A cold snowy start to the new year, the first day of the new millennium. Not the fun one with champagne at the Pyramids and the all-night, round-the-globe pseudoprofundities and ...
Jan 5, 2001 / Column / Katha Pollitt
Bush’s Hammer Bush’s Hammer
House GOP whip Tom DeLay will do his best to pull the President to the right.
Jan 5, 2001 / Feature / Bob Dreyfuss
Powell’s Secret Coup Powell’s Secret Coup
The coronation of Colin Powell will probably not be interrupted by any of the specific questions about his mediocre and sometimes sinister past that were so well phrased by David C...
Jan 5, 2001 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Block Ashcroft–I Block Ashcroft–I
John Ashcroft's nomination as Attorney General is the first installment on George W. Bush's enormous political debt to the radical right. Remember back in early February when Bus...
Jan 5, 2001 / Burt Neuborne
How Stands the Union? How Stands the Union?
In their campaigns for the White House, the major-party candidates--even the one backed by labor--spent little time debating labor-law reform. Nevertheless, the AFL-CIO ha...
Jan 5, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Steve Early
Block Ashcroft–II Block Ashcroft–II
Just how bad an Attorney General would John Ashcroft be? And is his nomination worth fighting? To answer the first question, talk to those who have experienced Ashcroft up close ...
Jan 5, 2001 / Bruce Shapiro
Spoil Bush’s Party Spoil Bush’s Party
Mandate or no, George W. Bush is forging ahead with Cabinet appointments, policy forums and talk of a "first 100 days." Bush and his team have assembled a Cabinet faster than any...
Jan 5, 2001 / The Editors
Yuletide All the Time Yuletide All the Time
We're sorry, but we do not have permission to present this article on our website. It is an excerpt from Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World (Metropolitan). © ...
Jan 5, 2001 / Books & the Arts / Eduardo Galeano
Cool It, World Cool It, World
After three years of diplomatic fatigue, the United States put delegates from 170 countries out of their misery at the latest round of climate talks at The Hague in November by s...
Jan 5, 2001 / Ross Gelbspan