Election 1876 Election 1876
That year there were disputes over the presidential returns in South Carolina, Louisinana, Oregon and Florida.
Nov 22, 2000 / Feature / The Editors
The Long Count The Long Count
When you read this, George W. Bush may be President, which will most likely mean that his lawyers, his brother Jeb and his Florida campaign co-chair and ambassadorial wannabe Kat...
Nov 16, 2000 / The Editors
Stupefied Democracy Stupefied Democracy
This election may jolt Americans out of a passive acceptance of civil mythologies.
Nov 16, 2000 / Feature / William Greider

Making Every Vote Count Making Every Vote Count
What we need are election rules that encourage voter turnout rather than suppress it.
Nov 16, 2000 / Lani Guinier
What Crisis? What Crisis?
There's an easy way to take your own pulse, and that of anyone you know, concerning the vertiginous events of the night of November 7. Was the apparent non-outcome really a "...
Nov 16, 2000 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Divorce, American Style Divorce, American Style
Divorce, American Style New York City In The Unexpected Legacy of Divorce, Judith Wallerstein argues that the consequences of parental divorce for children are...
Nov 16, 2000 / Katha Pollitt and Our Readers
In Fact… In Fact…
NATION NOTES A proposed 14.2 percent postage increase for periodicals was swept aside by the Postal Rate Commission in a recommendation issued on November 13. The five-member pre...
Nov 16, 2000 / The Editors
Deregulate the Duopoly Deregulate the Duopoly
As rain dances used to serve certain primitive tribes and scripture still serves true believers, the two-party system serves as the religion of the political class. Never mind th...
Nov 16, 2000 / Theodore J. Lowi
The Butterfly Election The Butterfly Election
On Tuesday, November 14, exactly one week after Election Day (and with no President yet in sight), a notable though little-noted disclosure was made to the public. I do not mean ...
Nov 16, 2000 / Jonathan Schell