
Where’s the Mandate? Where’s the Mandate?

It wasn't exactly a reversal of 1994, but in this year's Senate races Democrats erased much of the Republican majority that was established in that year of Grand Old Party hegemo...

Nov 10, 2000 / John Nichols

The ‘Stealth Campaign’ The ‘Stealth Campaign’

This issue goes to press on Wednesday, November 8, the day after the election, when all was supposed to have been decided, all was to be made clear. Instead, a great bewilderment...

Nov 10, 2000 / Jonathan Schell

Malthusian Delusions? Malthusian Delusions?

Malthusian Delusions? Franklin, N.Y. Amartya Sen starts his otherwise sensible "Population and Gender Equity" [July 24/31] with the unproven assertion that Thomas Malth...

Nov 10, 2000 / Our Readers

Nader Betrayed Those He Promised to Help Nader Betrayed Those He Promised to Help

The lesson of election 2000, no matter the final photo-finish outcome, is that, for better or worse, the Democratic Party is the only political home for those with a progressiv...

Nov 9, 2000 / Column / Robert Scheer

Don’t Blame Ralph Don’t Blame Ralph

If Gore loses the White House--and some of you reading this will know whether or not he did--he'll have no one but himself to blame. Readers of this page know I've been something...

Nov 2, 2000 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Nader Voters: An Explanation Nader Voters: An Explanation

They thought they'd vote the Democratic slate, But somehow felt they needed something more. They finally found a candidate who was More sanctimonious than Albert Gore.

Nov 2, 2000 / Column / Calvin Trillin

‘If You’re Talkin’ Politics…’ ‘If You’re Talkin’ Politics…’

Washington, D.C. As I have traveled the country in this election year, many progressives have asked me whether I believe a vote for Ralph Nader is justified to promo...

Nov 2, 2000 / Ani DiFranco, Our Readers, and Rep. John Conyers

Death Watch Death Watch

When the history of this year's presidential campaign is written, the addiction of both Bush and Gore to the obsolete politics of capital punishment will rank high in the annals ...

Nov 2, 2000 / The Editors

Nader: Fast in the Stretch Nader: Fast in the Stretch

Ralph really ran. Against the record of his own faux campaign of 1996, against the expectations even of friends who said he lacked the candidate gene and against the calculations...

Nov 2, 2000 / John Nichols

America and the World: The End of Easy Dominance America and the World: The End of Easy Dominance

In the more trying period ahead, a modest internationalism would fare best.

Nov 2, 2000 / Books & the Arts / Sherle R. Schwenninger
