Jesse ‘The Gov’ Ventura Jesse ‘The Gov’ Ventura
On January 4, 1999, Jesse Ventura will be sworn in as the new governor of Minnesota amid a media deluge not seen since the state hosted the Super Bowl.
Dec 17, 1998 / Feature / Micah L. Sifry
Noah’s Arc Noah’s Arc
Somewhat impudently for a man taken in adultery, Henry Hyde compares himself to Jesus Christ.
Dec 17, 1998 / Column / Alexander Cockburn
Impeachment Madness Impeachment Madness
As the House of Representatives moved toward a historic decision--delayed by the bombing of Iraq--on whether to impeach the President, so-called moderate Republicans lamented that ...
Dec 17, 1998 / The Editors
His Terrible, Swift Sword His Terrible, Swift Sword
You're familiar, of course, with the Wall Street Journal.
Dec 17, 1998 / Feature / Michael Tomasky
Close, But No Cigar Close, But No Cigar
On August 20 last, President Clinton personally ordered the leveling of the Al-Shifa pharmaceutical plant on the outskirts of Khartoum.
Oct 5, 1998 / Column / Christopher Hitchens
Social (In-)Security Social (In-)Security
What precisely about the current Social Security "reform" debate makes it so hateful and repellent?
May 14, 1998 / The Editors
The Politics and the Pity The Politics and the Pity
"We are all German Jews" chanted 50,000 Frenchmen at the gates of the Bastille in 1968; I was recently reminded of this episode, which has become revolutionary lore, when Holocau...
Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer
May in December May in December
It's not May in December. The ten days that shook the Chirac government are not a repetition of the great rising of students and workers that precipitated the fall of Gen.
Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer
The Ghosts of May The Ghosts of May
Today the cobblestones of Paris's Latin Quarter are covered with asphalt.
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Terror and the Sense of Justice Terror and the Sense of Justice
An irony emerges from reading the sickening details of the terrorist slaughter in Israel. It is that Menahem Begin, the symbol of Israeli outrage and bereavement, first achieved pr...
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Aryeh Neier