The Last Steep Ascent The Last Steep Ascent
New obstacles should not be deplored but welcomed because their presence proves we are closer to the ultimate decision.
Mar 11, 1966 / Martin Luther King Jr.

A Bold Design for a New South A Bold Design for a New South
Tokenism was the inevitable outgrowth of the Administration’s design for dealing with discrimination.
Mar 30, 1963 / Martin Luther King Jr.
Traffic in Dope: Medical Problem Traffic in Dope: Medical Problem
The disastrous consequences of turning over to the police what is an essentially medical problem are steadily becoming more apparent' as narcotic arrests rise each year to new r...
Apr 25, 1956 / Alfred R. Lindesmith

Miracle in Alabama Miracle in Alabama
“An entire community has experienced a rebirth of freedom. The men and women who compose it now stand erect.”
Mar 3, 1956 / Carey McWilliams
How to Elect a Progressive Congress How to Elect a Progressive Congress
It is highly important to elect Congressmen and Senators who sincerely believe that continuous full employment and full production should be our national objective.
Aug 31, 1946 / Henry A. Wallace
The Negro Waits to See The Negro Waits to See
AS NOVEMBER approaches, the Presidential race seems to be too close for partisans of either side to take comfort.
Oct 21, 1944 / Feature / Walter F. White
Fear is the Enemy Fear is the Enemy
Fear should not dictate our definition of democracy; a government should do all it can to protect and serve the basic liberties of all people.
Feb 10, 1940 / Eleanor Roosevelt
The Pacifist’s Dilemma The Pacifist’s Dilemma
In capitalist America it is mad utopianism to believe that the government can be armed for international war against fascist aggression or can enter such a war at a price tolerable...
Jan 16, 1937 / Norman Thomas
Birth Control, Religion and the Unfit Birth Control, Religion and the Unfit
Charlotte Perkins Gilman writes on the benefits of birth control, a practice which does not interfere with the pleasures of the unfit but saves society from their reduplication.
Jan 27, 1932 / Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Hosts of Black Labor The Hosts of Black Labor
The South must reform its attitude toward the Negro. The North must reform its attitude toward common labor.
May 9, 1923 / W.E.B. Du Bois