Trump’s Transition Team Is Stacked With Privatization Enthusiasts Trump’s Transition Team Is Stacked With Privatization Enthusiasts
If these officials get their way, America’s schools, roads, prisons, immigrant-detention centers, and critical social-insurance programs will soon fall into private hands.
Dec 28, 2016 / David Dayen

Trump Is Capitalizing on the Anxiety Caused by the End of Steady Employment Trump Is Capitalizing on the Anxiety Caused by the End of Steady Employment
Liberals should speak to workers’ experience of precarity.
Dec 28, 2016 / Mike Konczal

Homeless in the Shadow of Santa Barbara’s Mansions Homeless in the Shadow of Santa Barbara’s Mansions
For hundreds of families, home is a car in a quiet parking lot.
Dec 20, 2016 / Jennifer Dworkin

A Fight for $15 Activist on Why She Fasted for 15 Days—and Would Again A Fight for $15 Activist on Why She Fasted for 15 Days—and Would Again
21-year-old Anggie Godoy on her 15-day fast, her arrest, and what’s next for the Fight for $15.
Dec 19, 2016 / Sasha Abramsky

What Is the Left Without Identity Politics? What Is the Left Without Identity Politics?
Four writers consider the question dividing the Democratic Party.
Dec 16, 2016 / Walter Benn Michaels, Charles W. Mills, Linda Hirshman, and Carla Murphy

We Are Hitting the Wall of Maximum Grabbing We Are Hitting the Wall of Maximum Grabbing
We have an epidemic of grabbing—land grabbing, resource grabbing—and now the most powerful nation on earth has elected Donald Trump as its grabber-in-chief.
Dec 14, 2016 / Naomi Klein

How to Mount a Progressive Resistance How to Mount a Progressive Resistance
Opposition to Trump will come—not only in the streets but also from leaders in states and cities who are intent on making America better.
Dec 13, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

The Way Forward for Democrats Is to Address Both Class and Race The Way Forward for Democrats Is to Address Both Class and Race
The Democratic Party can still forge a coalition of the working class and poor of all races.
Dec 12, 2016 / Ian Haney López and Robert B. Reich

These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans These Photos Show the People Who Turn a Cotton Plant Into Your Jeans
Following the path of cotton from Burkina Faso to Bangladesh to your local mall.
Dec 12, 2016 / Photo Essay / Meta Krese and Jošt Franko

Trump’s Team of Faux Populists and Real Crony Capitalists Trump’s Team of Faux Populists and Real Crony Capitalists
For progressive Democrats, the challenge now is not just to fight Trump’s policies but also to listen to the people he is betraying.
Dec 6, 2016 / Katrina vanden Heuvel