
Can the Democrats Win Back White Working-Class Voters?

Can the Democrats Win Back White Working-Class Voters? Can the Democrats Win Back White Working-Class Voters?

Maybe—but first we need to understand why they left the party.

Sep 6, 2016 / Feature / Joan Walsh

Footage of the Largest Gang Raid in NYPD History Reveals the Agency’s Military-Style Tactics

Footage of the Largest Gang Raid in NYPD History Reveals the Agency’s Military-Style Tactics Footage of the Largest Gang Raid in NYPD History Reveals the Agency’s Military-Style Tactics

Incoming police commissioner James O’Neill oversaw the arrests.

Sep 1, 2016 / Simon Davis-Cohen

Hurricane Katrina Disaster

White New Orleans Has Recovered from Hurricane Katrina. Black New Orleans Has Not. White New Orleans Has Recovered from Hurricane Katrina. Black New Orleans Has Not.

Taking stock 11 years after the storm.

Aug 29, 2016 / Gary Rivlin

Donald Trump with Louisiana supporters

Inside the Head of a Trump Supporter Inside the Head of a Trump Supporter

Mike Schaff’s community was destroyed by the failures of a private company, but he’s voting for America’s most notorious businessman. Why?

Aug 29, 2016 / Arlie Hochschild

Peruvian Anti-IMF Protests

Will the IMF Become Irrelevant Before It Changes? Will the IMF Become Irrelevant Before It Changes?

The neoliberal reforms it has imposed on countries around the world have been disastrous.

Aug 29, 2016 / Mark Weisbrot


The Wage Gap Is Worse for Black Women The Wage Gap Is Worse for Black Women

Black women earn just 67 cents for every dollar white men earn.

Aug 29, 2016 / Michelle Chen

Paul Ryan, Speaker of the House.

Welfare Was ‘Reformed’ 20 Years Ago This Week. I’ve Suffered the Consequences. Welfare Was ‘Reformed’ 20 Years Ago This Week. I’ve Suffered the Consequences.

And now, House Speaker Paul Ryan wants to build on that disastrous legacy.

Aug 26, 2016 / Stephanie Land


New York’s Nail Salons Are Still Toxic New York’s Nail Salons Are Still Toxic

And salon owners are now protesting new policies that aim to protect workers and consumers from chemical contamination.

Aug 26, 2016 / Michelle Chen


There’s a Bigger Problem at the Border Than Trump’s Proposed Wall There’s a Bigger Problem at the Border Than Trump’s Proposed Wall

We live in fear of Trump’s plan for the Mexican border—not realizing that much of it already exists.

Aug 23, 2016 / Todd Miller


A Basic Income Would Upend America’s Work Ethic—and That’s a Good Thing A Basic Income Would Upend America’s Work Ethic—and That’s a Good Thing

Freedom to control our time should lie at the heart of any struggle. 

Aug 23, 2016 / Fred Block and Frances Fox Piven
