
[UPDATED] From #Nerdland to Congress?

[UPDATED] From #Nerdland to Congress? [UPDATED] From #Nerdland to Congress?

Congresswoman Barbara Lee asks Chairman Paul Ryan to allow Tianna Gaines-Turner—a Witness to Hunger—to testify at his hearing tomorrow.

Jul 30, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Food Policy, EITC Expansion and Financial Security for All

This Week in Poverty: Food Policy, EITC Expansion and Financial Security for All This Week in Poverty: Food Policy, EITC Expansion and Financial Security for All

Antipoverty news items from around the country.

Jul 26, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Responses to ‘Congressional Hunger Games’

Responses to ‘Congressional Hunger Games’ Responses to ‘Congressional Hunger Games’

Five national leaders in the fight against hunger and poverty offer their perspectives on the SNAP debate and what we need to do to fight back.

Jul 24, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Mapping the Sequester’s Impact on Low-Income Housing

Mapping the Sequester’s Impact on Low-Income Housing Mapping the Sequester’s Impact on Low-Income Housing

Under the sequester, only one in four eligible families receives rental assistance vouchers—and waiting lists are growing.

Jul 19, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Confronting Congressional Hunger Games

This Week in Poverty: Confronting Congressional Hunger Games This Week in Poverty: Confronting Congressional Hunger Games

Recent votes on food stamps reveal that Congress is pummeling low-income people with increasing ferocity. What can be done to confront and change this cruelty and shortsightedness?...

Jul 15, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Greg Kaufmann: There’s A Lot We Can Do About Poverty Greg Kaufmann: There’s A Lot We Can Do About Poverty

The Nation's Greg Kaufmann joined Stand Up! With Pete Dominick to argue that there are ways to alleviate poverty in America and that it starts with increasing the minimum wage.

Jul 10, 2013 / Press Room

Watch This: Two American Families

Watch This: Two American Families Watch This: Two American Families

A new documentary from Bill Moyers and Frontline follows two families for twenty-two years as they struggle to attain the American Dream.

Jul 9, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This July 4 Weekend in Poverty: Get Involved in the Fight Against Poverty This July 4 Weekend in Poverty: Get Involved in the Fight Against Poverty

If we wanted to end poverty we could.  Here are some groups you can get involved with that are leading the way.

Jul 5, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Sequestration Watch: Hunger by the Numbers Sequestration Watch: Hunger by the Numbers

Think sequestration isn’t having much of an effect? Check out the impact on food and hunger programs in the US and abroad.

Jul 3, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Greg Kaufmann: Low-Wage Work Is Far From Living-Wage Work

Greg Kaufmann: Low-Wage Work Is Far From Living-Wage Work Greg Kaufmann: Low-Wage Work Is Far From Living-Wage Work

The Nation's Greg Kaufmann joins Bill Moyers to explain why the need for food stamps is growing.

Jul 1, 2013 / Press Room
