Sequestration Watch: Hunger by the Numbers Sequestration Watch: Hunger by the Numbers
Think sequestration isn’t having much of an effect? Check out the impact on food and hunger programs in the US and abroad.
Jul 3, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
Greg Kaufmann: Low-Wage Work Is Far From Living-Wage Work Greg Kaufmann: Low-Wage Work Is Far From Living-Wage Work
The Nation's Greg Kaufmann joins Bill Moyers to explain why the need for food stamps is growing.
Jul 1, 2013 / Press Room
This Week in Poverty: The Unfinished March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom This Week in Poverty: The Unfinished March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom
A new report from the Economic Policy Institute examines the unfinished—and widely forgotten—agenda of the March on Washington fifty years ago.
Jun 28, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
This Week in Poverty: The Older Americans Act and US Seniors This Week in Poverty: The Older Americans Act and US Seniors
Older Americans Act programs save money and lives. Why is it so hard to reauthorize something that consumes just 0.06 percent of the budget?
Jun 21, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
What Congress and the Media Are Missing in the Food Stamp Debate What Congress and the Media Are Missing in the Food Stamp Debate
The current debate about food stamps is fantastic—unless you are someone who likes facts and evidence.
Jun 18, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
This Week in Poverty: Congress Turns Its Back on Rural America This Week in Poverty: Congress Turns Its Back on Rural America
The closing of a Head Start center in Neodesha, Kansas shows what sequester cuts mean to rural America.
Jun 14, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
The Sword Drops on Food Stamps The Sword Drops on Food Stamps
The Senate passed a bill that cuts benefits for low-income Americans and will cost over 56,000 jobs.
Jun 11, 2013 / George Zornick
Denying a Head Start in Washington State Denying a Head Start in Washington State
Head Start cuts in Washington State show just how dumb and shortsighted the sequester is.
Jun 7, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
This Week in Poverty: American Winter Arrives at Capitol Hill This Week in Poverty: American Winter Arrives at Capitol Hill
Three Oregonians testifed in the Senate about the lives of the working poor and the state of the American Dream.
Jun 7, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
This Week in Poverty: Taking On Sallie Mae and the Cost of Education This Week in Poverty: Taking On Sallie Mae and the Cost of Education
Student groups and their allies confronted Sallie Mae at its annual shareholders meeting yesterday.
May 31, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann