
This Week in Poverty: SEIU Hospital Workers Strike for Affordable Healthcare

This Week in Poverty: SEIU Hospital Workers Strike for Affordable Healthcare This Week in Poverty: SEIU Hospital Workers Strike for Affordable Healthcare

A nonprofit, Catholic healthcare giant makes hundreds of millions in profits, raises the salaries of corporate executives and asks workers earning $31,000 a year to pay a $3,100 de...

Mar 18, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: ‘A Place at the Table’ and ‘American Winter’

This Week in Poverty: ‘A Place at the Table’ and ‘American Winter’ This Week in Poverty: ‘A Place at the Table’ and ‘American Winter’

Two new documentaries take a hard look at the struggles of low-income and middle class families to access the basics—like food, housing, healthcare and education.

Mar 8, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

R.I.P. Hugo Chavez (1954–2013)

R.I.P. Hugo Chavez (1954–2013) R.I.P. Hugo Chavez (1954–2013)

A man who did a lot of good for a lot of people.

Mar 6, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger

School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger School Breakfasts and Ending Child Hunger

A recent study shows that school breakfasts can help alleviate child hunger. Will President Obama take action on his pledge to end it? 

Mar 5, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Gangnam-Style Counting With Senator Jeff Sessions

This Week in Poverty: Gangnam-Style Counting With Senator Jeff Sessions This Week in Poverty: Gangnam-Style Counting With Senator Jeff Sessions

Republican Senator Jeff Sessions uses some very creative math to prove that people in poverty have incomes that are similar to the middle class.

Mar 1, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: How Obama Can Fight Hunger Now

This Week in Poverty: How Obama Can Fight Hunger Now This Week in Poverty: How Obama Can Fight Hunger Now

There are 50 million Americans struggling with hunger—and with sequestration, things will get worse.

Feb 22, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

Letter From Tanzania II: A Visit to the US Embassy

Letter From Tanzania II: A Visit to the US Embassy Letter From Tanzania II: A Visit to the US Embassy

The country needs more foreign aid to develop infrastructure amid the effects of climate change, but don’t look to the private sector.

Feb 19, 2013 / Bob Dreyfuss

Ten Things You Should Know About #TheRealTANF

Ten Things You Should Know About #TheRealTANF Ten Things You Should Know About #TheRealTANF

TANF authorization expires at the end of March. The program isn’t what you think it is.

Feb 19, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Revealing the Real TANF

This Week in Poverty: Revealing the Real TANF This Week in Poverty: Revealing the Real TANF

The TANF program expires in March, and the American people need to know what it’s all about before it’s renewed.

Feb 8, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Time to Take On Concentrated Poverty and Education

This Week in Poverty: Time to Take On Concentrated Poverty and Education This Week in Poverty: Time to Take On Concentrated Poverty and Education

Concentrated poverty has largely been ignored by policymakers, despite the huge impact it has on student achievement.

Feb 1, 2013 / Greg Kaufmann
