
Michael Harrington and the ‘Culture Of Poverty’

Michael Harrington and the ‘Culture Of Poverty’ Michael Harrington and the ‘Culture Of Poverty’

The Other America offered a view of poverty that seemed designed to comfort the already comfortable.

Mar 14, 2012 / Barbara Ehrenreich

This Week in Poverty: Welfare Reform—From Bad to Worse This Week in Poverty: Welfare Reform—From Bad to Worse

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any worse for poor people.

Mar 9, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Hunger—Where We Are, Where We Need to Be

This Week in Poverty: Hunger—Where We Are, Where We Need to Be This Week in Poverty: Hunger—Where We Are, Where We Need to Be

The food stamp program is up for reauthorization and three new studies indicate what needs to be done if we want to protect and strengthen it.

Mar 2, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Deal on Unemployment Benefits Leaves Out Poorest This Week in Poverty: Deal on Unemployment Benefits Leaves Out Poorest

Congress extended unemployment benefits, but it’s no good for those who’ve been jobless the longest.

Feb 24, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Obama’s Budget, Your Server’s Budget This Week in Poverty: Obama’s Budget, Your Server’s Budget

If Obama wants his actions to match his rhetoric about helping the poor, he needs to show a lot more leadership.

Feb 17, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed This Week in Poverty: Perfect Storm Threatens Long-Term Unemployed

Federal and state proposals to reduce unemployment benefits or make them harder to obtain place millions of unemployed people at risk of falling into poverty.

Feb 10, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

Rocky Recovery for Women Rocky Recovery for Women

Although men account for 70 percent of jobs lost between December 2007 and June 2009, they have won 92 percent of the jobs created since. From “man-cession,” we’v...

Feb 8, 2012 / Laura Flanders

This Week in Poverty: James Q. Wilson Peddles Poverty Myths This Week in Poverty: James Q. Wilson Peddles Poverty Myths

The Washington Post spins myths about the poor, Congressional battles impact the poor, and Mitt Romney doesn’t give a damn about the poor.

Feb 3, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: State of the Union, State of Florida This Week in Poverty: State of the Union, State of Florida

President Obama fails to mention poverty in his State of the Union address, even though 46 million Americans are living in it.

Jan 27, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann

This Week in Poverty: An American Commitment to Children? This Week in Poverty: An American Commitment to Children?

Eighty-eight percent of voters say that a presidential candidate’s position on equal opportunity for children of all races is important in determining their vote. But do ou...

Jan 20, 2012 / Greg Kaufmann
