
Home Truths Home Truths

That poor children in the United States and Britain have the worst quality of life in the developed world speaks volumes about our misplaced priorities.

Feb 22, 2007 / The Editors

Inequality Counts Inequality Counts

The relentless reduction of taxes on the wealthy has created a profound inequality between the very rich and the bottom half of American society, affecting every aspect of daily li...

May 17, 2006 / Feature / Leon Friedman

Tax Refund Scheme Targets the Working Poor Tax Refund Scheme Targets the Working Poor

Corporate tax preparers like H&R Block continue to target taxpayers hungry for rapid refunds with questionable loans.

Apr 17, 2006 / Feature / Bernice Yeung

Robbing the Poor Robbing the Poor

As House Republicans use the cost of recovery from Gulf Coast storms as an excuse to rip last-minute holes in the social safety net, it's not too late to change priorities.

Oct 20, 2005 / Sharon Lerner

Squeezing the Have-Nots Squeezing the Have-Nots

Fitful efforts to rebuild the Gulf Coast unfold against a backdrop of looming economic disaster: rising unemployment and interest rates, misplaced priorities and a recession that w...

Oct 13, 2005 / William Greider

Bush Finally Sees Poor People Bush Finally Sees Poor People

It takes a hurricane to raise awareness that the numbers of poor people are growing on George Bush's watch. Will that be enough for the President to begin to level the playing fiel...

Sep 20, 2005 / Column / Robert Scheer

Lessons From the Social Security Debate Lessons From the Social Security Debate

A better approach to measuring poverty.

Apr 26, 2005 / Jared Bernstein and Mark Greenberg

Let Them Eat Cake Let Them Eat Cake

The Bush budget cuts programs for the hungry.

Apr 21, 2005 / Trudy Lieberman

False Promises False Promises

In American Dream, his masterful new book about welfare reform, Jason DeParle brings together two groups of people who rarely seem to meet: welfare policy-makers and welfare reci...

Dec 2, 2004 / Books & the Arts / Jennifer Egan

Straight Down the Middle Straight Down the Middle

Not being "middle class," the poor have been invisible in this campaign.

Oct 21, 2004 / Feature / Eyal Press
