Biden’s New Immigration Plan Is Already Outdated Biden’s New Immigration Plan Is Already Outdated
Migration is a cure for economic crisis—not a cause of it.
Jul 22, 2021 / Aviva Chomsky

Progressives Around the Country Are Recalling Sewer Socialism’s Proud History Progressives Around the Country Are Recalling Sewer Socialism’s Proud History
At the local level, sidewalk socialists represent a movement whose time has come.
Jul 21, 2021 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

This New Law Would Be Good for Growers, Bad for Farmworkers This New Law Would Be Good for Growers, Bad for Farmworkers
The bill cements in place the existing deep poverty in farmworker communities, and makes it much more difficult for farmworkers to organize.
Jul 21, 2021 / Column / David Bacon

How Capitalism Invented the Care Economy How Capitalism Invented the Care Economy
This is what’s missing from the new conversation about care work.
Jul 16, 2021 / Premilla Nadasen

An Unapologetic ‘Tax the Rich’ Message Is the Key to Passing the Democratic Budget Plan An Unapologetic ‘Tax the Rich’ Message Is the Key to Passing the Democratic Budget Plan
“The wealthy and large corporations [must pay] their fair share of taxes, so that we can protect the working families of this country,” says Bernie Sanders.
Jul 15, 2021 / John Nichols

How a Harlem Skyrise Got Hijacked—and Forgotten How a Harlem Skyrise Got Hijacked—and Forgotten
The fate of June Jordan’s visionary reimagining of Harlem, like the “progressive” design for IS 201, shows that when it comes to Utopias, the key question is always: “Whose?”
Jul 14, 2021 / Feature / Sharifa Rhodes-Pitts

Medicaid Work Requirements Appear to Be Dead Medicaid Work Requirements Appear to Be Dead
The Biden administration is not letting them go into effect while it has a say.
Jul 1, 2021 / Bryce Covert

How Did Education in the United States Become So Unequal? How Did Education in the United States Become So Unequal?
A new history of Boston’s schools reminds us how the brittle vision of whom and what education serves has long been defined by managers and employers instead of the educators who d...
Jun 29, 2021 / Books & the Arts / Megan Erickson

The Fight Against Homelessness in California Is Just Beginning The Fight Against Homelessness in California Is Just Beginning
New plans are promising, but they’re also just stopgap measures in confronting the West Coast’s burgeoning housing crisis.
Jun 25, 2021 / Sasha Abramsky

Domestic Workers Are Using the Gig Economy Against Itself Domestic Workers Are Using the Gig Economy Against Itself
Domestic workers are taking advantage of the “disruptor” tech companies that are trying to redefine work to win labor protections.
Jun 25, 2021 / Erica Smiley