2020 = 200,000, by 3 Artists 2020 = 200,000, by 3 Artists
Trump’s mishandling of the pandemic means 200,000+ deaths and devastating consequences for African American and Latinx communities.
Oct 9, 2020 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo, Sylvia Hernández, and Lalo Alcaraz

Will Deeper Segregation Be Bill de Blasio’s Legacy? Will Deeper Segregation Be Bill de Blasio’s Legacy?
New York’s “progressive” mayor is backing wealthy Manhattanites who want to show the homeless the door.
Oct 9, 2020 / Corinne Low and Shams DaBaron

The Future of the Gig Economy Is on the Ballot The Future of the Gig Economy Is on the Ballot
California’s Prop 22 would make the misclassification of Uber and Lyft drivers permanent.
Oct 9, 2020 / Wilfred Chan

Trump’s Taxing History Trump’s Taxing History
A president in debt, and America pays.
Oct 8, 2020 / OppArt / J.T. Williamson

31 Days Until the Election 31 Days Until the Election
Vanity UnFair: Trump dismantles democracy.
Oct 3, 2020 / OppArt / Mark Bryan

Police violence against Black Americans prevails with impunity. Billboard: Grand Ave, Phoenix, AZ . Photo: Lynn Trimble (Phoenix New Times)
Sep 30, 2020 / OppArt / Karen Fiorito

Ayotzinapa Disappearances Ayotzinapa Disappearances
9/26: The sixth anniversary of the abduction of 43 students from the Ayotzinapa Teachers College by government forces in Guerrero, Mexico.
Sep 25, 2020 / OppArt / Andrea Arroyo and Peter Kuper

In the Navajo Nation, Anarchism Has Indigenous Roots In the Navajo Nation, Anarchism Has Indigenous Roots
Out of a vacant coffeeshop, the collective K’é Infoshop is dedicated to mutual aid on America’s largest reservation.
Sep 25, 2020 / Cecilia Nowell

Climate Disasters Are Leaving Families With Nowhere to Go Climate Disasters Are Leaving Families With Nowhere to Go
In Oregon, the wildfires are colliding with a housing crisis.
Sep 25, 2020 / Zoë Carpenter