Hondurans Are Still Fighting the US-Supported Dictatorship Hondurans Are Still Fighting the US-Supported Dictatorship
Ten years after the coup, they have become the largest single Central American nationality in the refugee caravans fleeing north.
Jul 1, 2019 / James North

The Right’s Cure for Poverty: Hard Work and Father Figures The Right’s Cure for Poverty: Hard Work and Father Figures
At a hearing, Republicans told a familiar story while the Poor People’s Campaign presented a bold budget proposal.
Jun 20, 2019 / Greg Kaufmann

Finally, Presidential Candidates Are Talking About Poverty Finally, Presidential Candidates Are Talking About Poverty
An historic forum revealed consensus on the need for policies like raising the minimum wage and affordable childcare—and some big differences.
Jun 18, 2019 / Greg Kaufmann

Trump’s Attack on Working People Demands a Bold, Progressive Response Trump’s Attack on Working People Demands a Bold, Progressive Response
Piecemeal reforms won’t do the job.
Jun 4, 2019 / Katrina vanden Heuvel

Trump’s Plan to Deny Benefits: Pretend People Aren’t Poor Trump’s Plan to Deny Benefits: Pretend People Aren’t Poor
By redefining poverty, millions fewer people would be able to take advantage of lifesaving programs.
May 31, 2019 / Bryce Covert

New Orleans Argues Whether an All-Charter City Can Be Truly Democratic New Orleans Argues Whether an All-Charter City Can Be Truly Democratic
Can a locally elected school board bring accountability to the city’s charter schools, or will it give an upper hand to well-connected parents?
May 21, 2019 / Emmanuel Felton

Bernie’s Plan to Save Public Schools Bernie’s Plan to Save Public Schools
Sanders has the most progressive education platform in modern American history.
May 20, 2019 / StudentNation / Nikhil Goyal

Anthony Abraham Jack Wants to Redefine How We Think About College Campus Inequality Anthony Abraham Jack Wants to Redefine How We Think About College Campus Inequality
His new book, The Privileged Poor, examines the way elite colleges and universities welcome, and don’t welcome, students from the working classes.
May 17, 2019 / Q&A / Edwin Aponte

Economic Security Should Be Lifelong Economic Security Should Be Lifelong
The US government already has the means to assure lifelong financial stability to all Americans. Here’s how we can make it happen.
May 15, 2019 / Peter Barnes

Trump Has A New Solution for Poverty: Pretend Poor People Don’t Exist Trump Has A New Solution for Poverty: Pretend Poor People Don’t Exist
A proposal to redefine “poverty” would throw potentially millions of low-income people out of government-assistance programs.
May 10, 2019 / Greg Kaufmann