Hiding Behind a Badge Hiding Behind a Badge
Racism undermines police authority.
Jun 11, 2020 / OppArt / Giulio Bonasera

You Don’t Have to Publish Both Sides When One Side Is Fascism You Don’t Have to Publish Both Sides When One Side Is Fascism
Elite media still hasn’t figured out how to cover the Trump presidency.
Jun 11, 2020 / Column / Eric Alterman

Georgia Shows How Serious the Threat of Voter Suppression Will Be This November Georgia Shows How Serious the Threat of Voter Suppression Will Be This November
Time has almost run out.
Jun 10, 2020 / John Nichols

Protests Force the US Military to Face Its Own Racism Protests Force the US Military to Face Its Own Racism
The crisis provoked by George Floyd’s death endangers Pentagon efforts to rally Western nations against the supposedly more autocratic regimes in China and Russia.
Jun 10, 2020 / Michael T. Klare

If Black Lives Matter, the ‘Welfare Queen’ Myth Must Go If Black Lives Matter, the ‘Welfare Queen’ Myth Must Go
Along with fueling ever-growing inequality on racial and gender lines, the welfare queen myth is literally killing black women.
Jun 10, 2020 / Jhumpa Bhattacharya, Aisha Nyandoro, and Anne Price

The Bravery of Marching for Black Lives in the Middle of a Pandemic The Bravery of Marching for Black Lives in the Middle of a Pandemic
While masked protesters struggle to keep both cops and Covid-19 at bay, a cadre of white pundits are busy sniping about the “hypocrisy” of protesters who don’t socially distance.
Jun 10, 2020 / Elie Mystal

Stop Blaming ‘Outside Agitators’ for America’s Problems Stop Blaming ‘Outside Agitators’ for America’s Problems
Some liberals have joined Trump in scapegoating fringe individuals and movements for a deep-seated social crisis.
Jun 10, 2020 / Jeet Heer

Phara Souffrant Forrest Wants to Cancel Your Rent Phara Souffrant Forrest Wants to Cancel Your Rent
The union nurse and tenant activist may be running office for the first time, but she’s been fighting for justice her whole life.

Liberals: Don’t Be Afraid of Calls to Defund the Police Liberals: Don’t Be Afraid of Calls to Defund the Police
The increasingly popular slogan is expanding the nation’s long-overdue debate about what public safety really means.
Jun 9, 2020 / Joan Walsh