Race and Ethnicity

The Washington Monument and US Capitol silhouetted at dawn in Washington, DC.

Looking for Kabul-Style Corruption? Try K Street. Looking for Kabul-Style Corruption? Try K Street.

You don't have to travel across the ocean to find widespread corruption, extortion and bribery.

Nov 24, 2015 / Rebecca Gordon

Kentucky Restores Voting Rights for Thousands of Ex-Felons

Kentucky Restores Voting Rights for Thousands of Ex-Felons Kentucky Restores Voting Rights for Thousands of Ex-Felons

Governor Steve Beshear announces a new executive order giving 170,000 ex-offenders the right to vote.

Nov 24, 2015 / Ari Berman

Hillary Clinton

Are Black Women Ready for Hillary? Are Black Women Ready for Hillary?

In 2008, South Carolina was the epicenter of the Clinton campaign’s implosion. This year, she’s counting on black women to rally to her side.

Nov 24, 2015 / Feature / Joan Walsh

Clinton’s Biggest Donor: ‘More Scrutiny’ for Muslims

Clinton’s Biggest Donor: ‘More Scrutiny’ for Muslims Clinton’s Biggest Donor: ‘More Scrutiny’ for Muslims

Billionaire Haim Saban walked it back. But did he mean it?

Nov 23, 2015 / Ali Gharib

A photograph from the “Portraits of Hunger in NYC” exhibition features four-year-old Brandon, whose family makes a four-mile round trip to collect food at two Queens food pantries.

Thanksgiving Is Almost Here, and Over a Million New Yorkers Might Go Hungry Thanksgiving Is Almost Here, and Over a Million New Yorkers Might Go Hungry

The latest statistics on hunger in the city tells the proverbial Tale of Two Cities as a Tale of Two Pantries.

Nov 23, 2015 / Michelle Chen

The Lessons of Jordan Davis’s Murder, Revisited

The Lessons of Jordan Davis’s Murder, Revisited The Lessons of Jordan Davis’s Murder, Revisited

HBO’s new documentary reminds us how deadly threat perception is for black people.

Nov 23, 2015 / Kristal Brent Zook

On the Death of Takoma Park’s Anita Datar in Mali

On the Death of Takoma Park’s Anita Datar in Mali On the Death of Takoma Park’s Anita Datar in Mali

My neighbor was killed by terrorists in Mali. The values she lived tell us a great deal about how to respond.

Nov 21, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Muslims Have Been Living in America Since Before the Revolutionary War

Muslims Have Been Living in America Since Before the Revolutionary War Muslims Have Been Living in America Since Before the Revolutionary War

Donald Trump’s proposals to shutter mosques and surveil Muslims are not about public safety—they’re about heinous stereotyping rooted in ignorance and cruelty.

Nov 20, 2015 / John Nichols

The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks

The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks The GOP Stampede Toward Fascism After the Paris Attacks

We are witnessing one of the most morally calamitous reactions to a refugee crisis in the country’s history.

Nov 20, 2015 / Sasha Abramsky
