Race and Ethnicity

Paul Ryan’s Alarmist Syrian-Refugee Move Is Playing With Fire

Paul Ryan’s Alarmist Syrian-Refugee Move Is Playing With Fire Paul Ryan’s Alarmist Syrian-Refugee Move Is Playing With Fire

The House speaker’s call for a ‘‘pause’’ in refugee resettlement only encourages hardliners who want to shutdown the government over the issue.

Nov 18, 2015 / Joan Walsh

A girl walks at a refugee and migrant camp on the northeastern Greek island of Lesvos.

European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment European Countries’ Closing Their Borders to Refugees Is Collective Punishment

EU states’ attempts to “opt out” of international law will only fuel more regional chaos.

Nov 18, 2015 / Michelle Chen

LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now?

LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now? LIVESTREAM: What Conversations About Race Do We Need to Be Having Right Now?

Race is back where it needs to be at the front and center of our discussions about culture, equality, and freedom in the US—but are we talking about it in the right way?

Nov 17, 2015 / The Nation

The Paris Attacks: What to Say? What to Think? What to Do?

The Paris Attacks: What to Say? What to Think? What to Do? The Paris Attacks: What to Say? What to Think? What to Do?

An Algerian writer ponders the brutal and senseless absurdity the jihadis seek to impose.

Nov 17, 2015 / Kamel Daoud

Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences

Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences Republican Governors Are Posturing on Refugees, but Their Xenophobia Has Real Consequences

Anti-Muslim hate crimes are up, but that’s not all.

Nov 17, 2015 / John Knefel

Tom Tomorrow

The Very Worst Takeaways From the Paris Attacks The Very Worst Takeaways From the Paris Attacks

Watch out, these takes are sizzling hot!

Nov 17, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Serbia Migrants

Bush and Cruz Want to Use Religious Tests to Bar Refugees From the US Bush and Cruz Want to Use Religious Tests to Bar Refugees From the US

The candidates’ proposals are immoral, un-American, and unconstitutional.

Nov 17, 2015 / John Nichols

Muslims pray on Madison Avenue

Here We Go Again? Muslim Americans Brace for a Backlash After Paris Here We Go Again? Muslim Americans Brace for a Backlash After Paris

Muslim, Arab, and South Asian activists already see a far-too-familiar pattern in the US reaction—but also some signs of progress.

Nov 16, 2015 / Deepa Iyer

President Obama at Boys and Girls Club

The White House Focuses on Women and Girls of Color With a New $118 Million Initiative The White House Focuses on Women and Girls of Color With a New $118 Million Initiative

After two years of pressure, advocates celebrate a step toward inclusion.

Nov 16, 2015 / Dani McClain

Detained Asylum Seekers Seek Transnational Justice

Detained Asylum Seekers Seek Transnational Justice Detained Asylum Seekers Seek Transnational Justice

Refugees of a transnational migration crisis represent the latest wave of social upheaval in Bangladesh now reverberating around the world.

Nov 16, 2015 / Michelle Chen
