Race and Ethnicity

A Flute in Palestine: Making Art in an Apartheid State

A Flute in Palestine: Making Art in an Apartheid State A Flute in Palestine: Making Art in an Apartheid State

In this increasingly confined land, art is a vital escape—if you can get the instruments past the checkpoint.

Apr 30, 2015 / Sandy Tolan

Right-Wing Media Try to Spin the Baltimore Riots Into a 2016 Victory

Right-Wing Media Try to Spin the Baltimore Riots Into a 2016 Victory Right-Wing Media Try to Spin the Baltimore Riots Into a 2016 Victory

Fox and friends are gearing up for a replay of the 1968 riots that helped bring us Richard Nixon.

Apr 29, 2015 / Leslie Savan

Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot?

Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot? Why Put Trauma Centers Where No One Gets Shot?

A Nation investigation looks at the shuttering of needed trauma centers, beginning with those on Chicago’s violent South Side.

Apr 29, 2015 / Feature / Jeffrey Bishku-Aykul

The American Ritual of Racial Killings

The American Ritual of Racial Killings The American Ritual of Racial Killings

We cannot turn away from police murders, but nor can we see them.

Apr 29, 2015 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Apartheid Games: Baltimore, Urban America, and Camden Yards

Apartheid Games: Baltimore, Urban America, and Camden Yards Apartheid Games: Baltimore, Urban America, and Camden Yards

Camden Yards can be seen as a symbol of what ails urban America, and it’s hardly alone.

Apr 28, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Dispatch From Baltimore: Praying for Peace, Living Another Reality

Dispatch From Baltimore: Praying for Peace, Living Another Reality Dispatch From Baltimore: Praying for Peace, Living Another Reality

The emotional distance between Freddie Gray’s moving funeral and the chaos that followed isn’t as wide as it may seem.

Apr 28, 2015 / Stacia L. Brown

Ferguson Police

How Cities’ Funding Woes Are Driving Racial and Economic Injustice—And What We Can Do About It How Cities’ Funding Woes Are Driving Racial and Economic Injustice—And What We Can Do About It

It doesn’t stop with Ferguson—common underlying problems create conflict and tension across the country.

Apr 28, 2015 / Brad Lander and Karl Kumodzi

Toward a New ‘Broken Windows’ Theory

Toward a New ‘Broken Windows’ Theory Toward a New ‘Broken Windows’ Theory

What change will a “peaceful” protest spark if a “peaceful” protest is so easy to ignore?

Apr 28, 2015 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Black Women Aren’t Just Secondary Casualties of Aggressive Policing

Black Women Aren’t Just Secondary Casualties of Aggressive Policing Black Women Aren’t Just Secondary Casualties of Aggressive Policing

Prison and early deaths have taken 1.5 million black men from daily life. But the Rekia Boyd case shows that black women are also “missing.”

Apr 27, 2015 / Dani McClain

What Are Baltimore’s Protesters Asking For?

What Are Baltimore’s Protesters Asking For? What Are Baltimore’s Protesters Asking For?

The death of Freddie Gray in police custody has sparked outrage over the conduct of the Baltimore Police Department.

Apr 27, 2015 / The Nation
