Race and Ethnicity

Camden Yards and the Baltimore Protests for Freddie Gray

Camden Yards and the Baltimore Protests for Freddie Gray Camden Yards and the Baltimore Protests for Freddie Gray

The decision by Baltimore’s mayor to lock baseball fans inside a stadium to “protect” them from protestors sent a message to the world built on a lie.

Apr 27, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Will the Courts Finally Block Texas’ Worst-in-the-Nation Voter-ID Law?

Will the Courts Finally Block Texas’ Worst-in-the-Nation Voter-ID Law? Will the Courts Finally Block Texas’ Worst-in-the-Nation Voter-ID Law?

Longtime voters are being turned away from the polls by Texas’ voter-ID law

Apr 27, 2015 / Ari Berman

Shelf Life

Shelf Life Shelf Life

“There is no such thing as not voting” is the faith that Darryl Pinckney grew up in.

Apr 22, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Ari Berman

Cornel West Is Not Mike Tyson

Cornel West Is Not Mike Tyson Cornel West Is Not Mike Tyson

Dr. Michael Eric Dyson’s 10,000-word excoriation of Dr. Cornel West is highly personal. But there is a political fight thrumming beneath the surface.

Apr 20, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Islamophobia Is a Joke

Islamophobia Is a Joke Islamophobia Is a Joke

The Daily Show’s Aasif Mandvi hopes his mock sitcom will make us laugh our way to becoming Halal in the Family.

Apr 17, 2015 / Kristal Brent Zook

What Hillary Clinton Should Remember as She Courts Black Voters

What Hillary Clinton Should Remember as She Courts Black Voters What Hillary Clinton Should Remember as She Courts Black Voters

During the 2008 primary, some of Clinton’s rhetoric left black voters cold. She’ll need to overcome those lingering concerns to win in 2016.

Apr 16, 2015 / Dani McClain

Cops Only Do Bad Things When They’re Being Filmed

Cops Only Do Bad Things When They’re Being Filmed Cops Only Do Bad Things When They’re Being Filmed

And other lies your local Officer Friendly tells you.

Apr 14, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

The Video of the Walter Scott Killing Has Silenced Fox Critics

The Video of the Walter Scott Killing Has Silenced Fox Critics The Video of the Walter Scott Killing Has Silenced Fox Critics

The only problem with the video is that it was taken by pure chance.

Apr 10, 2015 / Leslie Savan

So… the NYPD Just Broke an NBA Player’s Leg

So… the NYPD Just Broke an NBA Player’s Leg So… the NYPD Just Broke an NBA Player’s Leg

Thabo Sefolosha encountered the NYPD at a club. A fellow NBA player had been stabbed. This interaction ended with Sefolosha being done for the season.

Apr 10, 2015 / Dave Zirin

Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality.

Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality. Abolish the Police. Instead, Let’s Have Full Social, Economic, and Political Equality.

When people ask me, “Who will protect us,” I want to say: Who protects you now?

Apr 9, 2015 / Mychal Denzel Smith
