Race and Ethnicity

France’s Muslim Communities Face Graver Threats Than the Lure of Extremism

France’s Muslim Communities Face Graver Threats Than the Lure of Extremism France’s Muslim Communities Face Graver Threats Than the Lure of Extremism

Poverty in France’s Muslim communities should elicit public dismay, and not just because it’s among the factors that may have motivated Charlie Hebdo’s attackers.

Jan 22, 2015 / Michelle Chen

Republicanism vs. Multiculturalism in France

Republicanism vs. Multiculturalism in France Republicanism vs. Multiculturalism in France

The country struggles with religion and integration one week after the Charlie Hebdo murders.

Jan 21, 2015 / Column / Katha Pollitt

In the New World of Incarceration, Your House Is Your Prison

In the New World of Incarceration, Your House Is Your Prison In the New World of Incarceration, Your House Is Your Prison

So is your block, your school, your neighborhood… your city, state and country.

Jan 21, 2015 / Maya Schenwar

Charlie Hebd’overload

Charlie Hebd’overload Charlie Hebd’overload

The week when everyone forgot the definition of irony.

Jan 20, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

Black Lives Matter—at School, Too

Black Lives Matter—at School, Too Black Lives Matter—at School, Too

In the wake of the Ferguson uprising, black students nationwide are indicting the state violence they face in American education everyday.

Jan 19, 2015 / George Joseph

January 15, 1929: Martin Luther King Jr. Is Born

January 15, 1929: Martin Luther King Jr. Is Born January 15, 1929: Martin Luther King Jr. Is Born

From 1961 until 1966, King published in The Nation an annual report on the progress of the civil-rights movement during the previous year. In this installment, "Hammer of Civil Rig...

Jan 15, 2015 / Richard Kreitner and The Almanac

What Americans Should Do After Charlie Hebdo

What Americans Should Do After Charlie Hebdo What Americans Should Do After Charlie Hebdo

We must resist the push to increase surveillance and repeat the foreign policy mistakes of the past.

Jan 14, 2015 / The Editors

Against Easy Stories

Against Easy Stories Against Easy Stories

Facile explanations for the massacre must be resisted.

Jan 14, 2015 / Laila Lalami

When It Comes to the GOP’s Race Problem, Scalise Is Just a Sideshow

When It Comes to the GOP’s Race Problem, Scalise Is Just a Sideshow When It Comes to the GOP’s Race Problem, Scalise Is Just a Sideshow

Is it really surprising that a figurehead of the party that seeks to deny healthcare to huge numbers of people of color, deport as many immigrants as possible, and strip away the r...

Jan 14, 2015 / Zoë Carpenter

This Is the Key to Recovering Black Wealth in America

This Is the Key to Recovering Black Wealth in America This Is the Key to Recovering Black Wealth in America

America’s giant wealth disparity is driven by a history of racist redlining.

Jan 13, 2015 / Mike Konczal and Bryce Covert
