Race and Ethnicity

When It Comes to Race, the Famous Dutch ‘Tolerance’ Runs Out

When It Comes to Race, the Famous Dutch ‘Tolerance’ Runs Out When It Comes to Race, the Famous Dutch ‘Tolerance’ Runs Out

Hundreds of white Dutch dress up in blackface to celebrate the nation’s treasured “Sinterklaas” holiday. A growing movement says it’s time for that to chang...

Nov 21, 2014 / Heather Beasley Doyle

Failing to Indict Darren Wilson Won’t End the Movement Against Police Violence

Failing to Indict Darren Wilson Won’t End the Movement Against Police Violence Failing to Indict Darren Wilson Won’t End the Movement Against Police Violence

This has been, and will continue to be, about the protection of black life and the end of the police state.

Nov 19, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

The Value of Whiteness

The Value of Whiteness The Value of Whiteness

A lawsuit is being waged against the “wrongful birth” of a black child.

Nov 12, 2014 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Jerusalem’s Palestinian Neighborhoods Are Under Economic Siege

Jerusalem’s Palestinian Neighborhoods Are Under Economic Siege Jerusalem’s Palestinian Neighborhoods Are Under Economic Siege

Palestinians in East Jerusalem face not just a wall but a welfare system designed to impoverish and ultimately remove them.

Nov 4, 2014 / Michelle Chen

Police Are the Problem

Police Are the Problem Police Are the Problem

The way we use the police in this country is inherently discriminatory. 

Oct 31, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

What’s the Real Issue? Blaming AAAD Obscures the UNC Scandal’s Broader Societal Causes

What’s the Real Issue? Blaming AAAD Obscures the UNC Scandal’s Broader Societal Causes What’s the Real Issue? Blaming AAAD Obscures the UNC Scandal’s Broader Societal Causes

UNC’s recently uncovered unprecedented cheating scandal took place in the department of African and Afro American studies, a fact which has raised an age-old, prejudicial arg...

Oct 29, 2014 / StudentNation / StudentNation

How Racism Stole Black Childhood

How Racism Stole Black Childhood How Racism Stole Black Childhood

People who are black and poor aren’t allowed to be young and irresponsible.

Oct 29, 2014 / Column / Gary Younge

Will Black Voters Help Protect Abortion Rights in Tennessee?

Will Black Voters Help Protect Abortion Rights in Tennessee? Will Black Voters Help Protect Abortion Rights in Tennessee?

How one reproductive justice organization is working to make sure black voters help defeat Amendment 1.

Oct 27, 2014 / Dani McClain

How One Man Refused to Spy on Fellow Muslims for the FBI—and Then Lost Everything

How One Man Refused to Spy on Fellow Muslims for the FBI—and Then Lost Everything How One Man Refused to Spy on Fellow Muslims for the FBI—and Then Lost Everything

The case of Ayyub Abdul-Alim fits a decades-long pattern of government criminalization of African-American Muslims.

Oct 14, 2014 / Arun Kundnani, Emily Keppler, and Muki Najaer

Can China Pacify Its Restive Minorities Peacefully?

Can China Pacify Its Restive Minorities Peacefully? Can China Pacify Its Restive Minorities Peacefully?

Beijing is experimenting with "soft power" approaches, but brute force remains an omnipresent threat.

Oct 9, 2014 / Piero Sarmiento and Foreign Policy In Focus
