Race and Ethnicity

Spied On for Being Muslim

Spied On for Being Muslim Spied On for Being Muslim

A new investigation by The Intercept reveals how racist anti-Muslim neocons are driving the nation’s law enforcement agenda.

Jul 10, 2014 / Moustafa Bayoumi

This Is What Happens When the Security State and Anti-Muslim Paranoia Collide

This Is What Happens When the Security State and Anti-Muslim Paranoia Collide This Is What Happens When the Security State and Anti-Muslim Paranoia Collide

A new report reveals that the NSA spied on five prominent American Muslims.

Jul 9, 2014 / Zoë Carpenter

Yes, Arresting Subway Dancers Is Still a Way of Criminalizing Black Youth

Yes, Arresting Subway Dancers Is Still a Way of Criminalizing Black Youth Yes, Arresting Subway Dancers Is Still a Way of Criminalizing Black Youth

However one feels about subway dancers’ high flying antics, we should be able to agree they shouldn’t be arrested.

Jul 8, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Americans Insist on Being Delusional About Racism

Americans Insist on Being Delusional About Racism Americans Insist on Being Delusional About Racism

The United States isnt close to being prepared, or even willing, to see its racist past or present.

Jul 3, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

25 Years Later, America Is Still Struggling to ‘Do the Right Thing’

25 Years Later, America Is Still Struggling to ‘Do the Right Thing’ 25 Years Later, America Is Still Struggling to ‘Do the Right Thing’

On the 25th anniversity of Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing," America needs to ask itself some hard questions.

Jun 30, 2014 / Books & the Arts / Mychal Denzel Smith

Moral Mondays Has Managed to Go Beyond the Color Line—but Is That So Unprecedented?

Moral Mondays Has Managed to Go Beyond the Color Line—but Is That So Unprecedented? Moral Mondays Has Managed to Go Beyond the Color Line—but Is That So Unprecedented?

Moral Mondays may seem exceptional, but it is actually part of a long history of interracial political coalitions in the South. 

Jun 27, 2014 / Press Room and Melissa Harris-Perry

Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering

Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering Loving Billie Holiday Doesn’t Mean Black Girls Aren’t Suffering

Joshua DuBois makes an unconvincing argument against the criticism of President Obama’s My Brother’s Keeper initiative.

Jun 27, 2014 / Farah Jasmine Griffin

White Rabbit

White Rabbit White Rabbit

In a guise of scientific seriousness, Nicholas Wade’s new book revives the discredited ideas of history’s most notorious racists.

Jun 23, 2014 / Patricia J. Williams

The Gender Flaw in ‘My Brother’s Keeper’

The Gender Flaw in ‘My Brother’s Keeper’ The Gender Flaw in ‘My Brother’s Keeper’

Women of color are affected by racism too. We can’t keep sending the message that they aren’t.

Jun 19, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Does Genetics Cause War and Peace?

Does Genetics Cause War and Peace? Does Genetics Cause War and Peace?

A new book distorts science to define race.

Jun 18, 2014 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
