Race and Ethnicity

Who’s Afraid of Suey Park?

Who’s Afraid of Suey Park? Who’s Afraid of Suey Park?

The social media prowess of one Asian American activist is driving the mainstream media to distraction. Why do they care so much?

Mar 31, 2014 / Julia Carrie Wong

Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History?

Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History? Why Has President Obama Deported More Immigrants Than Any President in US History?

Since 9/11, immigration has become increasingly tangled with criminal enforcement and national security.

Mar 31, 2014 / Alejandra Marchevsky and Beth Baker

The School-to-Prison Pipeline Starts in Preschool

The School-to-Prison Pipeline Starts in Preschool The School-to-Prison Pipeline Starts in Preschool

And we wonder why there’s an education gap.

Mar 28, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Corporate Religious Freedom Means Freedom to Discriminate

Corporate Religious Freedom Means Freedom to Discriminate Corporate Religious Freedom Means Freedom to Discriminate

If the Supreme Court rules that corporations have the right to free exercise of religion in the Hobby Lobby case, what happens to civil rights law?

Mar 25, 2014 / Michelle Goldberg

14 Disturbing Stats About Racial Inequality in American Public Schools

14 Disturbing Stats About Racial Inequality in American Public Schools 14 Disturbing Stats About Racial Inequality in American Public Schools

Black students account for 18 percent of the country’s pre-K enrollment, 48 percent with multiple out-of-school suspensions.

Mar 21, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Respectability Politics Still Won’t Save Us

Respectability Politics Still Won’t Save Us Respectability Politics Still Won’t Save Us

No matter who argues in its favor, be it Paul Ryan, President Obama or Jonathan Chait, the credibility of respectability politics is still dubious. 

Mar 20, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

What Paul Ryan and Obama Have In Common

What Paul Ryan and Obama Have In Common What Paul Ryan and Obama Have In Common

Paul Ryan’s racist comments have been the mainstream view of the Democratic Party for decades.

Mar 19, 2014 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

De Blasio Settles With 1,500 Minority FDNY Applicants in Discrimination Lawsuit

De Blasio Settles With 1,500 Minority FDNY Applicants in Discrimination Lawsuit De Blasio Settles With 1,500 Minority FDNY Applicants in Discrimination Lawsuit

The mayor ends another Bloomberg-era legal battle, this one involving people of color who wanted to become firefighters.

Mar 19, 2014 / Jarrett Murphy

Effort to Revive Affirmative Action in California Splits Asian-American Community

Effort to Revive Affirmative Action in California Splits Asian-American Community Effort to Revive Affirmative Action in California Splits Asian-American Community

A grassroots movement tapped into fears that affirmative action would close off university spots for Asian-American students.

Mar 18, 2014 / Steven Hsieh

Media Isn’t Baseball: Diversity Problems in the Clubhouse

Media Isn’t Baseball: Diversity Problems in the Clubhouse Media Isn’t Baseball: Diversity Problems in the Clubhouse

The numbers for representation of women and people of color in the media don’t add up to anything good.

Mar 17, 2014 / Julia Carrie Wong
