Racism and Discrimination

NYPd Cameras

Mass Surveillance Begins at the Local Level. So Does the Resistance to It. Mass Surveillance Begins at the Local Level. So Does the Resistance to It.

Grassroots groups are leading the pushback against government spying.

Sep 27, 2018 / Andrew Tan-Delli Cicchi

Palestinian flag protest

For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine For Justice, Not Apartheid, in Palestine

A quarter-century after Oslo, Israel is consolidating its domination—but the global resistance movement is growing.

Sep 27, 2018 / The Editors

‘I Want People to Hear Me’: An Interview With Savannah West

‘I Want People to Hear Me’: An Interview With Savannah West ‘I Want People to Hear Me’: An Interview With Savannah West

Black on Campus used technology, travel, text messaging, and the sheer force of will to build community as we learned to meet deadlines.

Sep 26, 2018 / StudentNation / Melissa Harris-Perry

Immigrant rights rallies

Trump’s Latest Assault on Immigrants Shreds a Half-Century of Reforms Trump’s Latest Assault on Immigrants Shreds a Half-Century of Reforms

New restrictions on the meaning of “public charge” will bump millions from public assistance and create a caste of untouchables.

Sep 26, 2018 / Sasha Abramsky

Trump in a Car MAGA

The Last Stand of the Angry White Man The Last Stand of the Angry White Man

Author and activist Kevin Powell joins the show to talk racism, feminism, Serena Williams, and hip-hop.

Sep 25, 2018 / Podcast / Dave Zirin

Female Inmate Jail Cell

California Ended Cash Bail—but May Have Replaced It With Something Even Worse California Ended Cash Bail—but May Have Replaced It With Something Even Worse

Racist algorithms and unlimited judicial discretion threaten to increase pretrial incarceration in California.

Sep 24, 2018 / John Raphling

Jack O'Keefe Project Veritas

How Conspiracy Theories Unite the International Far Right How Conspiracy Theories Unite the International Far Right

At a recent gathering in St. Louis, paranoia, xenophobia, and racism gave far-right activists from around the world a common cause.  

Sep 21, 2018 / Brendan O’Connor

A group of women are seen wearing black veils and black tape over their mouths outside of the fourth day of Brett Kavanaugh's hearing before members of the Senate Judiciary Committee in the Hart Senate Office Building Friday.

Take Direct Action to Stop Brett Kavanaugh Take Direct Action to Stop Brett Kavanaugh

You can also spread the word about protests against Trump’s plans to indefinitely detain immigrant children and demand justice for Puerto Rico.

Sep 18, 2018 / NationAction

Macron Bastille Day

Is France Finally Reckoning With Its Brutal Past? Is France Finally Reckoning With Its Brutal Past?

Macron's acknowledgement of French torture during the Algerian war was unprecedented—but what comes next?

Sep 18, 2018 / Karina Piser

Brianna Black on Campus

For Black College Students, Balancing Activism and Mental Health Takes Work For Black College Students, Balancing Activism and Mental Health Takes Work

College for black students is more than just obtaining a degree. It’s also about permeating structures and spaces in which we were never originally included—and that can take a tol...

Sep 18, 2018 / StudentNation / Brianna Reddick
