Racism and Discrimination

South Texas Family Residential Center

How Private Contractors Enable Trump’s Cruelties at the Border How Private Contractors Enable Trump’s Cruelties at the Border

Private-prison groups and several Fortune 500 companies are profiting off “zero-tolerance” enforcement. 

Jun 20, 2018 / David Dayen


The Generational Trauma of Separating Families The Generational Trauma of Separating Families

The roots of Trump’s child-detention policy are in American history.

Jun 20, 2018 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Sister Simone Campbell

Jeff Sessions and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Are Quoting the Bible—and These Nuns Are Not Having It Jeff Sessions and Sarah Huckabee Sanders Are Quoting the Bible—and These Nuns Are Not Having It

“Give me a break,” says Sister Simone Campbell.

Jun 20, 2018 / John Nichols

How Did Vietnam Transform White Supremacy?

How Did Vietnam Transform White Supremacy? How Did Vietnam Transform White Supremacy?

Kathleen Belew’s sobering new history tracks the hidden relationship between the war and a resurgence in racial violence.

Jun 20, 2018 / Books & the Arts / Patrick Blanchfield

Donald Trump Owns Zero Tolerance

Donald Trump Owns Zero Tolerance Donald Trump Owns Zero Tolerance

But both Democrats and Republicans have criminalized immigration.

Jun 20, 2018 / The Nation

People hold signs to protest against President Donald Trump's executive order to detain children crossing the southern US border and separating families.

We All Need to Fight to End the Separation of Immigrant Families We All Need to Fight to End the Separation of Immigrant Families

In just five weeks, federal immigration authorities separated more than 2,300 children from their parents.

Jun 19, 2018 / NationAction

Female student stands in front of Spelman College sign

We Need to Include Black Women’s Experience in the Movement Against Campus Sexual Assault We Need to Include Black Women’s Experience in the Movement Against Campus Sexual Assault

The national movement to address the college rape crisis seldom reflects the complexities of gender, race, and class black women face at both predominantly white institutions and h...

Jun 15, 2018 / StudentNation / Candace King


The Poor People’s Campaign Is Changing the Moral Narrative of Congress The Poor People’s Campaign Is Changing the Moral Narrative of Congress

Activists are getting at least some members of Congress to listen to the real stories of poverty and injustice in America.

Jun 14, 2018 / John Nichols

Melanie Campbell speaks at podium

‘If You Want to Win, Get a Black Woman Candidate’: A Q&A With Melanie L. Campbell ‘If You Want to Win, Get a Black Woman Candidate’: A Q&A With Melanie L. Campbell

The Democrats need to get serious about supporting black women.

Jun 14, 2018 / Q&A / Safiya Charles

Philadelphia Eagles

NFL Owners Don’t Fear Trump, They Fear Their Own Players NFL Owners Don’t Fear Trump, They Fear Their Own Players

The code red in NFL circles is the growing liberation consciousness of the ones people pay to see. 

Jun 13, 2018 / Dave Zirin
