Racism and Discrimination

Senator Jesse Helms

The ‘Bathroom Bill’ Is an Old Ploy That Can’t Stop Our New Movement The ‘Bathroom Bill’ Is an Old Ploy That Can’t Stop Our New Movement

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory and his allies are bringing back sex-panic tactics that Jesse Helms perfected decades ago.

May 23, 2016 / Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II

Black Lives Matter Minneapolis Protest

Note to Media: Black Lives Matter Is Not a ‘Get Out the Vote’ Campaign Note to Media: Black Lives Matter Is Not a ‘Get Out the Vote’ Campaign

So stop asking how it affects the black-youth vote, and stop judging it by goals it never claimed.

May 20, 2016 / Reniqua Allen

North Carolina’s Discriminatory Bathroom Law May Also Worsen Economic Inequality

North Carolina’s Discriminatory Bathroom Law May Also Worsen Economic Inequality North Carolina’s Discriminatory Bathroom Law May Also Worsen Economic Inequality

HB2 could prevent cities and counties from passing pro-worker policies, including minimum-wage increases and paid-family-leave laws.

May 20, 2016 / Ashe McGovern

Portrait of Thomas Jefferson

Stephen O’Connor Dreams of Thomas Jefferson Stephen O’Connor Dreams of Thomas Jefferson

Even as it condemns Jefferson for his immoral conduct, O’Connor’s novel still holds him up as a hero.

May 20, 2016 / Erin Vanderhoof

Trudeau Apology to Sikhs

What the US Could Learn From Justin Trudeau About Saying ‘Sorry’ What the US Could Learn From Justin Trudeau About Saying ‘Sorry’

Rather than engaging in rhetoric targeting immigrants and Muslims, we should make substantive amends for past xenophobia.

May 20, 2016 / Deepa Iyer

“Human Rights Don't Apply Here”

The Wealthiest, Most Democratic Countries Are Taking in Only a Fraction of the World’s Refugee Population The Wealthiest, Most Democratic Countries Are Taking in Only a Fraction of the World’s Refugee Population

The way a society treats its newest arrivals is a test of its democracy. And we’re failing.

May 18, 2016 / Michelle Chen

To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different

To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different To Beat a Nasty, Brutish Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton Will Have to Do Something Different

Old-school triangulation and appealing to moderates is not going to work this year.

May 16, 2016 / Bruce Shapiro

Veterans against Trump

Why, in a Season of Hate, I Have Hope Why, in a Season of Hate, I Have Hope

Yes, the rise of Donald Trump in the United States and far-right parties in Europe is scary. But there are also many signs of hope.

May 16, 2016 / Laila Lalami

Illustration of the Memphis Riot of 1866

The Roots of Today’s Racism and Police Violence, in an ‘Inconceivably Brutal’ Riot 150 Years Ago The Roots of Today’s Racism and Police Violence, in an ‘Inconceivably Brutal’ Riot 150 Years Ago

“The police headed the butchery” in Memphis in May of 1866, The Nation reported at the time, “and occupied themselves in shooting down every colored person, of whatever sex, of who...

May 11, 2016 / Richard Kreitner

How Will Philadelphia’s District Attorney Handle Resentencing Its Juvenile Life-Without-Parole Population?

How Will Philadelphia’s District Attorney Handle Resentencing Its Juvenile Life-Without-Parole Population? How Will Philadelphia’s District Attorney Handle Resentencing Its Juvenile Life-Without-Parole Population?

Seth Williams says he’s “smart on crime,” but his record says otherwise.

May 11, 2016 / Jessica Pishko
