Racism and Discrimination

Racist flyer found at Boston University

Boston University Is Proof That University Campuses Are Anything But ‘Post-Racial’ Boston University Is Proof That University Campuses Are Anything But ‘Post-Racial’

A look at anti-black racism on a liberal university campus in the Northeast.

Jul 14, 2015 / StudentNation / Jailyn Gladney and StudentNation

Serena Williams at Wimbledon

Serena Williams Is Today’s Muhammad Ali Serena Williams Is Today’s Muhammad Ali

As a political symbol and an athletic powerhouse, Serena Williams is “the greatest” in her sport.

Jul 14, 2015 / Dave Zirin

North Carolina Voting Rights Protest

Why North Carolina Is the New Selma Why North Carolina Is the New Selma

Selma in 1965 and North Carolina in 2015 show how far conservative white Southerners will go to maintain political power.

Jul 14, 2015 / Ari Berman

Washington football team owner Dan Snyder

A Judge Just Ruled Against the Most Racist Name in Football A Judge Just Ruled Against the Most Racist Name in Football

The Washington football team's name is a dictionary-defined slur—and now the federal Patent and Trademark Office has been ordered to cancel its trademark registration.

Jul 8, 2015 / Dave Zirin

US Military Captain Waving the Confederate Flag

What Was the Confederate Flag Doing in Cuba, Vietnam, and Iraq? What Was the Confederate Flag Doing in Cuba, Vietnam, and Iraq?

The Confederate flag’s military tenure continued long after the Civil War ended.

Jul 7, 2015 / Greg Grandin

Tom Tomorrow cartoon

They Awoke to Find… A World Gone Mad! They Awoke to Find… A World Gone Mad!

Confederate flags are coming down? Gay marriage is the law of the land? At least there's still lethal injection.

Jul 7, 2015 / Tom Tomorrow

NYPD Spying

Despite the Settlement Talks, Don’t Expect the NYPD to Stop Spying on Muslims Despite the Settlement Talks, Don’t Expect the NYPD to Stop Spying on Muslims

Mayor de Blasio’s break with Bloomberg on surveillance is far from clean.

Jul 6, 2015 / Matt Sledge

Why the Black Church Forgives Dylann Roof

Why the Black Church Forgives Dylann Roof Why the Black Church Forgives Dylann Roof

And how President Obama’s Charleston eulogy used the theology of black liberation to call the country to account for racism.

Jul 2, 2015 / Kelly Brown Douglas

Trying to Forgive the Black Church

Trying to Forgive the Black Church Trying to Forgive the Black Church

Dylann Roof can’t have my mercy, but I can try to make peace with black Christianity.

Jul 2, 2015 / Jamilah Lemieux

Out in the Night

Black Women Vilified as a ‘Lesbian Wolf Pack’ Speak for Themselves in a New Film Black Women Vilified as a ‘Lesbian Wolf Pack’ Speak for Themselves in a New Film

Out in the Night tells the story of the New Jersey Four, women who faced felony charges after defending themselves against an attacker.

Jul 2, 2015 / Dani McClain
