How the Left Failed France’s Muslims How the Left Failed France’s Muslims
When the left abdicated its outreach to marginalized communities, the Islamists moved in.
Feb 6, 2015 / Walden Bello and Foreign Policy In Focus

Bratton’s Police State on Steroids Bratton’s Police State on Steroids
The formation of the NYPD’s new Strategic Response Unit raises disturbing questions about police brutality.
Feb 6, 2015 / Mychal Denzel Smith

This Is How Black Girls End Up in the School-To-Prison Pipeline This Is How Black Girls End Up in the School-To-Prison Pipeline
Harsh discipline is said to put black boys at risk, but black girls are suspended six times more than white girls. A new report asks why.
Feb 5, 2015 / Dani McClain

How Radical Change Occurs: An Interview With Historian Eric Foner How Radical Change Occurs: An Interview With Historian Eric Foner
“Rights can be won, and rights can be taken away. Achievements are always vulnerable.”
Feb 3, 2015 / Books & the Arts / Mike Konczal

Jesse Hagopian: ‘I Was Pepper-Sprayed by Seattle Police on MLK Day’ Jesse Hagopian: ‘I Was Pepper-Sprayed by Seattle Police on MLK Day’
What do I have to do, so that when my sons recall the sixty-third annual MLK Day celebration, it is about remembering past trials of injustice, rather than endlessly reliving them?...
Feb 2, 2015 / Jesse Hagopian

The Real Debate Over Israel’s ‘Jewish Nation-State’ Bill The Real Debate Over Israel’s ‘Jewish Nation-State’ Bill
It’s not about whether systematic discrimination against Arab citizens should continue—it’s about whether it should be codified in explicitly racist legislation. ...
Jan 29, 2015 / Hassan Jabareen

The Spectacular Incoherence of Race Goes Global The Spectacular Incoherence of Race Goes Global
From Ferguson to France, pliable racial categories are used to mark who counts as fully human—and who does not.
Jan 28, 2015 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Why Is Marissa Alexander Still Being Punished for Fighting Back? Why Is Marissa Alexander Still Being Punished for Fighting Back?
As Alexander leaves prison for house arrest, it’s time to question the system that turns women into criminals for trying to stay alive.
Jan 28, 2015 / Victoria Law

Republicanism vs. Multiculturalism in France Republicanism vs. Multiculturalism in France
The country struggles with religion and integration one week after the Charlie Hebdo murders.
Jan 21, 2015 / Column / Katha Pollitt

Black Lives Matter—at School, Too Black Lives Matter—at School, Too
In the wake of the Ferguson uprising, black students nationwide are indicting the state violence they face in American education everyday.
Jan 19, 2015 / George Joseph