Racism and Discrimination

The Death of Michael Brown and the Search for Justice in Black America

The Death of Michael Brown and the Search for Justice in Black America The Death of Michael Brown and the Search for Justice in Black America

Theodore Wafer’s guilty verdict allowed us to breathe easy for a second, but the killing of Michael Brown sucked all the oxygen right back out of the room.

Aug 12, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Why It’s Absolutely No Surprise Mayor de Blasio Is Defending ‘Broken Windows’

Why It’s Absolutely No Surprise Mayor de Blasio Is Defending ‘Broken Windows’ Why It’s Absolutely No Surprise Mayor de Blasio Is Defending ‘Broken Windows’

The de Blasio administration says it supports “broken windows” so long as it is done in a “respectful” manner. But that’s impossible. It is by definit...

Aug 6, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

There’s No ‘War on Whites’

There’s No ‘War on Whites’ There’s No ‘War on Whites’

It’s clear Congressman Mo Brooks wants to borrow the “war on women” language for his own purposes, but it’s also clear that he has nothing to support his cl...

Aug 4, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

The KKK Wants a ‘Shoot to Kill’ Policy to Include Migrant Children

The KKK Wants a ‘Shoot to Kill’ Policy to Include Migrant Children The KKK Wants a ‘Shoot to Kill’ Policy to Include Migrant Children

North Carolina’s most racist organization will go to any extreme to keep America as white as possible. 

Jul 30, 2014 / Leslie Savan

Why Does This Nation of Immigrants Always Imprison ‘The Other’?

Why Does This Nation of Immigrants Always Imprison ‘The Other’? Why Does This Nation of Immigrants Always Imprison ‘The Other’?

Has the romanticization of American history allowed the resurgence of discriminatory practices in recent episodes of crisis?

Jul 30, 2014 / Erin Corbett and Back Issues

Surprise! NYPD Commissioner Bratton Doesn’t Think Race Had Anything to Do With Eric Garner’s Death

Surprise! NYPD Commissioner Bratton Doesn’t Think Race Had Anything to Do With Eric Garner’s Death Surprise! NYPD Commissioner Bratton Doesn’t Think Race Had Anything to Do With Eric Garner’s Death

We don’t escape America's history of racism because we believe ourselves to be good people, or that we're just doing our jobs. It’s already defined our lives.&n...

Jul 23, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Eric Garner’s Death and the Exasperation With Police Violence

Eric Garner’s Death and the Exasperation With Police Violence Eric Garner’s Death and the Exasperation With Police Violence

We have ceded so much power to the police, and they brazenly flaunt it without fear of repercussion.

Jul 21, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

The Myth of the Magical Black Father

The Myth of the Magical Black Father The Myth of the Magical Black Father

I’m wondering— what can’t be blamed on absent black fathers?

Jul 17, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Why Is Giving Birth in Detroit So Dangerous?

Why Is Giving Birth in Detroit So Dangerous? Why Is Giving Birth in Detroit So Dangerous?

Women there die from pregnancy-related causes at three times the national average. A report highlights the dangers of birthing while black.

Jul 16, 2014 / Dani McClain

Art & the State in South Africa

Art & the State in South Africa Art & the State in South Africa

For Nadine Gordimer in 1983, the arts in South Africa were simply “the sum of various states of alienation.”

Jul 14, 2014 / Nadine Gordimer
