Racism and Discrimination

Does Genetics Cause War and Peace?

Does Genetics Cause War and Peace? Does Genetics Cause War and Peace?

A new book distorts science to define race.

Jun 18, 2014 / Column / Patricia J. Williams

Surprise! Study Finds People Don’t Understand How Racism Works

Surprise! Study Finds People Don’t Understand How Racism Works Surprise! Study Finds People Don’t Understand How Racism Works

Apparently seeing images of successful black people makes whites, Asians and Hispanics think racism doesn't exist.

Jun 12, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Why Would Bigots Attack a Jewish-Arab School in Israel That Teaches Tolerance and Mutual Respect?

Why Would Bigots Attack a Jewish-Arab School in Israel That Teaches Tolerance and Mutual Respect? Why Would Bigots Attack a Jewish-Arab School in Israel That Teaches Tolerance and Mutual Respect?

This latest evidence of hatred is an alarming reminder of how a wonderful educational project continues to stand on precarious ground.

Jun 5, 2014 / Neve Gordon and Catherine Rottenberg


Why We’re Shocked by White Heroin Use Why We’re Shocked by White Heroin Use

Do white pundits, reporters and TV producers have a no-snitch policy on exposing crises in the white community?

Jun 4, 2014 / Ishmael Reed

Why 200 Black Men Raised Concerns About Obama’s Initiative Targeting Men and Boys of Color

Why 200 Black Men Raised Concerns About Obama’s Initiative Targeting Men and Boys of Color Why 200 Black Men Raised Concerns About Obama’s Initiative Targeting Men and Boys of Color

A conversation among black men challenges the assumptions at the heart of My Brother’s Keeper.

Jun 4, 2014 / Dani McClain

Justice for Black Trans Women: An Interview With Laverne Cox

Justice for Black Trans Women: An Interview With Laverne Cox Justice for Black Trans Women: An Interview With Laverne Cox

“Far too often trans women don’t have justice,” transgender television star Laverne Cox tells The Nation. “I’m obviously not one for locking people up...

Jun 3, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith

Maya Angelou’s Civil Rights Legacy

Maya Angelou’s Civil Rights Legacy Maya Angelou’s Civil Rights Legacy

A brilliant author who organized with Dr. King and served on the staff of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.

May 28, 2014 / John Nichols

Fear and Self-Loathing in Isla Vista

Fear and Self-Loathing in Isla Vista Fear and Self-Loathing in Isla Vista

The UCSB shooter was obsessed with class status, racial hierarchies and the belief that certain women owed him sex and their attention.

May 28, 2014 / Dani McClain

Will the Caribbean Reparations Initiative Inspire a Revitalization of the US Movement?

Will the Caribbean Reparations Initiative Inspire a Revitalization of the US Movement? Will the Caribbean Reparations Initiative Inspire a Revitalization of the US Movement?

Underdevelopment in the Caribbean is a direct legacy of the slave trade, and descendants of enslaved Africans should be compensated accordingly.

May 23, 2014 / Don Rojas

What White Privilege Looks Like When You’re Poor

What White Privilege Looks Like When You’re Poor What White Privilege Looks Like When You’re Poor

A new bill proposed by the House Appropriations Committee focuses on tackling rural, not urban, hunger thereby focusing efforts on poor whites rather than people of color.

May 22, 2014 / Mychal Denzel Smith
