Racism and Discrimination

Saudi Women Accelerating Towards Change Saudi Women Accelerating Towards Change

Since the self-immolation carried out by a Tunisian fruit vendor which had far-reaching consequences across the region, the world has watched the political and social transformatio...

Jun 27, 2011 / StudentNation / Maria Kari

Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban

Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban

At a press conference Wednesday, Tucson Superintendent John Huppenthal declared the district's Ethnic Studies/MAS Program to be out of compliance with the state's controversial ban...

Jun 15, 2011 / StudentNation / Jeff Biggers

Peter King’s ‘Muslim Radicalization’ Hearings Risk Repeating History Peter King’s ‘Muslim Radicalization’ Hearings Risk Repeating History

As a young, Japanese-American child, I was held in an internment camp out of prejudice and war hysteria. America can't make the same mistake again.

Jun 14, 2011 / Mike Honda

Palin and the Memory of Literacy Tests Palin and the Memory of Literacy Tests

In anticipation of the 2012 elections, Southern legislators are reducing early voting opportunities and imposing unprecedented identification card rules. This could have a dispara...

Jun 9, 2011 / Melissa Harris-Perry

A Jeffersonian Challenge to the Tories of Fitzwalkerstan A Jeffersonian Challenge to the Tories of Fitzwalkerstan

Activists challenging Walker administration assaults on public education and on college students from immigrant families disrupt Wisconsin legislative hearing with a reading from t...

Jun 3, 2011 / John Nichols

Three Things I Love About Herman Cain’s Campaign Three Things I Love About Herman Cain’s Campaign

Herman Cain’s candidacy is a cautionary tale against the simplistic racial reasoning that has dominated American political discourse.

Jun 1, 2011 / Melissa Harris-Perry

Arizona Turns the Tide: Voters Demand the Recall of Russell Pearce Arizona Turns the Tide: Voters Demand the Recall of Russell Pearce

Arizona's notorious anti-immigrant crusader is about to become the first State Senate president in US history to be recalled.

Jun 1, 2011 / Jeff Biggers

Breaking News: Not All Black Intellectuals Think Alike

Breaking News: Not All Black Intellectuals Think Alike Breaking News: Not All Black Intellectuals Think Alike

Why my disagreement with Cornel West about Obama's presidency generated so much excitement.

May 25, 2011 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry

Santana is Booed for Using Baseball’s Civil Rights Game to Speak Out for Civil Rights Santana is Booed for Using Baseball’s Civil Rights Game to Speak Out for Civil Rights

Major League Baseball's Civil Rights Game was turned inside out by musician Carlos Santana, who refused to be silent.

May 16, 2011 / Dave Zirin

For Birthers, Obama’s Not Black Enough

For Birthers, Obama’s Not Black Enough For Birthers, Obama’s Not Black Enough

As a black man, Obama's confident knowledge of his lineage is precisely the thing that makes his American identity dubious.

Apr 27, 2011 / Column / Melissa Harris-Perry
