Racism and Discrimination

Michelle Alexander: End the Drug War, Face Jim Crow Michelle Alexander: End the Drug War, Face Jim Crow

 The NAACP has just passed a historic resolution demanding an end to the War on Drugs.

Jul 31, 2011 / Laura Flanders

Violence and Economic Mobility in the Jim Crow South Violence and Economic Mobility in the Jim Crow South

How racial violence during segregation shaped the present-day wealth gap between blacks and whites.

Jul 29, 2011 / Jamelle Bouie

Lester Rodney: Jackie Robinson, An American Hero Lester Rodney: Jackie Robinson, An American Hero

 There was a time—not too long ago—when black players were not allowed to play on "white" teams.

Jul 28, 2011 / The Nation

The Black Athlete Today The Black Athlete Today

Athletes need to realize that they can shape their own image much more successfully than athletes of previous generations.

Jul 27, 2011 / Feature / Mike Tillery

Oh! In Norway, It Was Right-Wing, Not Muslim, Terrorism! Oh! In Norway, It Was Right-Wing, Not Muslim, Terrorism!

Islam-bashing conservatives like Robert Spencer and Pamela Geller influenced the fanatic who terrorized Norway. The question now is—to what degree?

Jul 25, 2011 / Bob Dreyfuss

Driving While Immigrant Driving While Immigrant

As the Obama administration tries to salvage the Secure Communities program, governors and advocates alike are calling it what it is: racial profiling.

Jul 8, 2011 / Renée Feltz

Driving While Immigrant Driving While Immigrant

Salvador Licea shares his experience with the ICE Secure Communities Program.

Jul 8, 2011 / Stokely Baksh and Renée Feltz

What Michele Bachmann and Her Teapot ‘Patriots’ Do Not Know About America

What Michele Bachmann and Her Teapot ‘Patriots’ Do Not Know About America What Michele Bachmann and Her Teapot ‘Patriots’ Do Not Know About America

The Republican presidential contender needs to learn a lot more about the radicals who made the America revolution -- especially Tom Paine.

Jul 2, 2011 / John Nichols

Saudi Women Accelerating Towards Change Saudi Women Accelerating Towards Change

Since the self-immolation carried out by a Tunisian fruit vendor which had far-reaching consequences across the region, the world has watched the political and social transformatio...

Jun 27, 2011 / StudentNation / Maria Kari

Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban

Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban Arizona’s Next Scandal? Tea Party State Official Says Ethnic Studies Violates Ban

At a press conference Wednesday, Tucson Superintendent John Huppenthal declared the district's Ethnic Studies/MAS Program to be out of compliance with the state's controversial ban...

Jun 15, 2011 / StudentNation / Jeff Biggers
