Ragtime, My Time Ragtime, My Time
As the youngest of five girls and two boys growing up in Cincinnati, Ohio, I was raised to believe that if I worked hard, was a good person and always told the truth, the world w...
Sep 23, 1999 / Feature / Alton Fitzgerald White
A Haunted Journey A Haunted Journey
After the war life will begin to stir once again, but we won't be here, we will have vanished just as the Aztecs have vanished.
Sep 9, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Saving History From the Shredder Saving History From the Shredder
They call him "the world's most famous bank guard": Christoph Meili, the former night watchman at the Union Bank of Switzerland in Zurich who in 1997 rescued from the shredder do...
Aug 19, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
Living La Vida ‘Loca’ Living La Vida ‘Loca’
Few Latino writers have challenged homophobia and machismo as fiercely as Jaime Manrique.
Aug 19, 1999 / Books & the Arts / George De Stefano
Rhyme and Resist Rhyme and Resist
Organizing the Hip-Hop Generation Each generation must out of relative obscurity discover its mission, fulfill it, or betray it.
Jul 8, 1999 / Feature / Angela Ards
Civil Society Civil Society
"Why do you care so much?" said a white friend to me during a debate about suspect profiling. "Don't take it so personally--the police aren't after you in the black middle class.
Jul 1, 1999 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Holocaust Creationism Holocaust Creationism
Between 1945 and 1947 the United States underwent perhaps the most breathtaking ideological transformation in its history.
Jun 24, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Jon Wiener
Racial Ventriloquism Racial Ventriloquism
I know I'm not supposed to read too much into a movie like Episode I: The Phantom Menace, but when you're living with a 6-year-old whose entire generation role-plays and reiterat...
Jun 17, 1999 / Column / Patricia J. Williams
Emancipation Proclamation Emancipation Proclamation
Upon his death in 1994, Ralph Ellison left behind some 2,000 pages of a never-finished second novel--more than forty years of fine-tuning what his literary executor, John F.
May 27, 1999 / Books & the Arts / John Leonard
Liberté, Égalité, Racisme? Liberté, Égalité, Racisme?
Scapegoating immigrants may be a transatlantic and pan-European phenomenon, but need Paris pander to those who want the tricolor to be monochrome?
Feb 24, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer