Regions and Countries

France’s Eurodissent France’s Eurodissent

Is it still possible to manage existing society in a reformist fashion?

Feb 25, 1999 / Daniel Singer

The Cliffhanger in France The Cliffhanger in France

Would the American model be followed, or would voters choose another path?

Feb 25, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Yeltsin’s Summit, Russia’s Vale Yeltsin’s Summit, Russia’s Vale

As he prepares to meet Clinton, Yeltsin leaves behind a Russia in serious disarray--cabinet shuffle and new economic overlord (same as the old) notwithstanding.

Feb 25, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer

City of Fight City of Fight

It was a splendid demonstration.

Feb 25, 1999 / Daniel Singer

Holocaust Accounting Holocaust Accounting

The saga of the gold looted by the Nazis and concealed or converted by greedy neutrals is very far from finished.

Feb 25, 1999 / Daniel Singer

The Real Eurobattle The Real Eurobattle

The move to a common currency masks a struggle over the social shape of Europe.

Feb 25, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Liberté, Égalité, Racisme? Liberté, Égalité, Racisme?

Scapegoating immigrants may be a transatlantic and pan-European phenomenon, but need Paris pander to those who want the tricolor to be monochrome?

Feb 24, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Italy’s Olive Tree Italy’s Olive Tree

Who would have guessed a few years ago that Italy's Communists, converted or otherwise, would win control of their country's government with the blessing of the U.S.

Feb 24, 1999 / Daniel Singer

The Burden of Boris The Burden of Boris

Russia's June 16 ballot is not simply the rematch of communism vs. capitalism.

Feb 24, 1999 / Feature / Daniel Singer

The Prophet Vulgarized The Prophet Vulgarized

Trotsky is both the hero of the Russian Revolution--the mastermind of October, the founder of the Red Army--and also its Job, hounded across a "planet without a visa," his family...

Feb 24, 1999 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer
