Regions and Countries

Ciao, Baby Ciao, Baby

At the news that in Rome well over a third of the electorate voted for Gianfranco Fini, leader of the neo-Fascist M.S.I.

Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer

Hate in a Warm Climate Hate in a Warm Climate

He came, he threatened, but he didn't conquer. The French Riviera will not be the first important region in Europe to be ruled by neofascists.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Mitterrand: Middle of the Journey Mitterrand: Middle of the Journey

On March 21, French President François Mitterrand arrives in the United States for a three-day state visit. When he was elected President in May 1981, he was the subject o...

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Top Down or Bottom Up? Top Down or Bottom Up?

It is a pleasure to watch, on both sides of the Atlantic, the professional prophets of "evil empire" now forced to perform their "agonizing reappraisals."

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Achille’s Gamble Achille’s Gamble

When Achille Occhetto, the new General Secretary, closed the debate at the Eighteenth Congress of the Italian Communist Party (P.C.I.) in Rome on March 21, the delegates gave him...

Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer

Silent Reproach Silent Reproach

Some events carry an exceptional symbolic charge.

Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer

Braving Bush’s New World Order Braving Bush’s New World Order

The Soviet Union can no longer act as a brake on US. expansion, and Western Europe cannot do so yet. That is the bitter, bloody and understated lesson of the current crisis.

Jan 2, 1998 / Books & the Arts / Daniel Singer

The Stink of Money The Stink of Money

Los Angeles is not the only place perturbing the sermons of the preachers of history's end and capitalism's eternal youth.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Of Lobsters and Poles Of Lobsters and Poles

Lobsters, French cookbooks assert, love to be cooked alive.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer

Election ’95–Fractured France Election ’95–Fractured France

The miracle did not happen. Dynamics, as Lionel Jospin had hoped, did not defeat arithmetic. On his third try, Jacques Chirac made it. The Socialist interlude is over.

Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
