Fast Forward Fast Forward
The sorcerer's apprentices could not even stage a coup.
Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer
Rouge et Noir Rouge et Noir
Were there half a million or a million people marching in the Parisian drizzle on January 16? No one can say.
Jan 2, 1998 / Daniel Singer
Solidarity–Lest We Forget Solidarity–Lest We Forget
Those on the left who cherished the illusion that Poland would somehow vanish from the news and that Solidarity would disappear from our political consciousness have been disappoin...
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Bitter Hope in a Cold Climate Bitter Hope in a Cold Climate
Friday, February 15. It's getting dark. My wife, Jeanne, and I land at Okiecie, the Warsaw airport. The temperature is 19 degrees below freezing.
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Poland–Ashes and Diamonds Poland–Ashes and Diamonds
Prices were raised sharply in Poland on January 30, by an estimated 40 percent, and hell did not break loose.
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Solidarity–The Road to Power Solidarity–The Road to Power
For the next weeks and months the eyes of the world will be focused on Poland, where events are now unfolding at an unexpectedly dramatic pace.
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Poland Chooses–What’s at Stake Poland Chooses–What’s at Stake
There seem to be a large measure of agreement between Walesa and Mazowiecki over fundamental economic policy.
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer and Lawrence Goodwyn
The Dream and the Nightmare The Dream and the Nightmare
"How could anyone possibly say that the October Revolution was in vain?" the poet Tvardovsky angrily told Solzhenitsyn in what now seems another age.
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Something Rotten in the Kingdom Something Rotten in the Kingdom
When in London, if you have some time to spare, go east to the Isle of Dogs to visit what was to have been Europe's biggest office-plus-housing project.
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer
Algeria Slides Into Civil War Algeria Slides Into Civil War
Voici le temps des assassins, the bilingual Algerians could exclaim, echoing Rimbaud, when nearly a year ago, their intellectuals began to be slaughtered by Islamic fundamentali...
Jan 2, 1998 / Feature / Daniel Singer